What is the translation of the Huawei company name?

Currently, most companies seeking success in the global market are busy locating production and expanding sales in a variety of countries. It's no secret that China is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. In order to be able to successfully gain a foothold in the Chinese market, many Western companies have had to adapt their brands.

Many Chinese brands that are very successful at home are also trying to enter the global market, and they also have to pay attention to the names of their brands that will resonate with foreigners. The Chinese understand that to conquer the foreign market it is very important to have a well-thought-out brand name.

Today there are not many brands from the Middle Kingdom that are easily recognizable outside this country. The most famous brands have been won by such brands as ZTE, Geely, Haier, Lenovo, Huawei, Xiaomi and some others.

There are three main trends in the naming of brands owned by Chinese manufacturers:

  1. Preservation of the original national names, transmitted using the Pinyin system used for transcribing Chinese characters.
  2. A slight adaptation of Chinese names, transmitted via Pinyin, to the pronunciation standards of consumers in English-speaking countries.
  3. Using abbreviations as trademarks.

Huawei company and its name

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. (华为) is a Chinese company specializing in information and telecommunications technologies. It was founded in 1988 and is headquartered in Shenzhen.

Huawei's main business is to provide services to telecommunications network operators, including hardware and software, as well as the organization of computer networks in institutions and offices.

Over the past few years, Huawei has become one of the leaders in the production of mobile phones both in China and abroad. Before entering the global market, it was one of the leading manufacturers of consumer electronics in the Middle Kingdom. The adoption of a competitive pricing policy helped Huawei achieve international recognition. Thanks to this, the company's profit in 2010 amounted to about 3.7 billion US dollars, and Huawei products and services began to be sold in more than 140 countries around the world.

This was a brief information about Huawei, but what about its name? Which of the above trends can this brand be classified as?

Definitely the first one, because “Huawei” is a kind of transliteration of the Chinese brand name into the Latin alphabet. In this case, the same Pinyin system was used, since in China it is officially recognized for transcribing Chinese syllables into European languages.

Huawei strives to maintain its distinctiveness as a recognized brand, as it is incredibly successful in its home country and has already achieved a certain level of recognition throughout the world. Using your phonetically original name in foreign countries increases Huawei's brand recognition, and the Pinyin system is perfect for this.

Exactly the same naming strategy is followed by other world-famous brands such as Toshiba, Samsung and Nintendo.

How to pronounce "Huawei" correctly

The name of this brand, as it is presented to the world community, is quite easy to read and pronounce. However, in reality, a billion Chinese would hardly agree with the pronunciation options that they heard from the lips of foreigners.

To find out how difficult it might be to pronounce the name “Huawei,” company representatives took to the streets of New York in 2012 and talked to passers-by. Not all Americans were able to more or less correctly read and pronounce this word. Three years later, in 2015, a similar event was held again, but not on city streets, but online. The company’s official video was even released on YouTube, which explained in detail the pronunciation features of the brand name.

The word "Huawei" is pronounced differently in different countries:

  • in the USA – [ua-way];
  • in China - [huAwei];
  • In Russia - [huavEy].

There is no clear pronunciation option, but, for example, in the United States, Chinese language experts strongly recommend pronouncing this name as “wa-way” and not “hu-wa-way]. Well, in Russia the generally accepted option is where the sound [x] is still pronounced.

We live in a world where computer technology exists - in the world of the Internet and smartphones. Every day we use gadgets that can perform up to a million different requests, but we don’t even know how they appeared and who made every effort to ensure that we can communicate freely and always be “online.” One of the world's smartphone development and creation companies is Huawei. The very name of this brand contains several secrets, because the translation of Huawei is not as clear as it might seem at first glance.

How to translate Huawei

The name of the world famous telecommunications firm Huawei is the official English transliteration. In the Chinese version, the brand name consists of a pair of hieroglyphs 华为. Their combination reads exactly the same as the phrase 化為, the translation of which means “transformation”. That is why the translation of the word Huawei into Russian has several meanings.

The first part of Hua can mean “excellent”, “magnificent”, but at the same time it can be translated as “China” or “ethnic Chinese”. The second part of Wei is translated from Chinese as “achievement” or “action that led to success.”

As you can see for yourself, there are not so many meanings for the word Huawei. The name of this wonderful brand can be translated as “great achievement” or “excellent action.” However, we should not forget that the company is a Chinese property, so if you translate its name into Russian, one of the meanings may be “Chinese achievement.” Of course, many will say that such a translation is approximate, but it is the last option that conveys the entire essence of the company itself.

How the name is translated

The original name of the company consists of two hieroglyphs. The first 华 from Chinese to Russian is translated as a flower, which is also reflected in the brand logo. This character can often be read as China, Chinese, which is due to the peculiarities of the written language of the PRC. The second symbol 为 means action, achievement. Accordingly, Huawei’s translation into Russian will sound verbatim like a Chinese achievement, emphasizing the company’s high-tech capabilities and its commitment to age-old traditions.

How to pronounce Huawei correctly

The head of the world-famous telecommunications company, Ren Zhengfei, gave his brainchild such a worthy name for a reason. Many experts believe that it contains a kind of affirmation for success. Having traced the company from its inception to the present day, we can say with confidence that it works.

The Chinese smartphone manufacturer is confident that everyone who uses their products should definitely know how to correctly pronounce the brand name. And not only in Chinese, but also in their native language. In 2012, Huawei employees even took to one of the busiest streets in New York to see if the inhabitants of a city of millions knew how to pronounce the company's name.

In 2015, management decided to repeat the campaign, but this time from computer and phone screens. A short video has appeared on the YouTube channel, officially confirmed by the company, where users are told in detail how to pronounce the name of the company.

As for their closest neighbors, Russians are accustomed to pronouncing the name of this company in their own way. Of course, there is no unambiguous translation of the word “Huawei”, so most of our compatriots pronounce the brand name using English transliteration. However, experts in the field of studying the Chinese language are insisting with all their might that in Russian the brand name will sound like “ua-wei”.

How to translate Huawei from Chinese into Russian

The brand name of the telecommunications company hides a rather interesting phrase. Some information resources are sure that the head of the organization did not think much about the meaning of the name of his brainchild. And Ren Zhengfei himself did not give any comments about the name.

The manufacturer's brand name is considered the official English transliteration. If we turn to the Chinese language, then in hieroglyphs the word looks like this – 华为. Moreover, these two signs are read in exactly the same way as 化為 (translation - transformation). For this reason, Huawei can be translated in different ways.

How does the name of one of the largest technology developers stand for? Huawei is translated from Chinese into Russian as “Great Achievement”. Let's divide the word into two parts and turn to the dictionary:

  • The first part of “Hua” is excellent, magnificent, great. This part can also be translated as “China”.
  • “Wei” – achievement, successful action.

The second translation is “Chinese achievement”.

As you can see, the name, which was invented at the time of its founding, largely determined the future of the company.


is one of the largest Chinese telecommunications companies. Founded by former member of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Ren Zhengfei in 1987.

Huawei solutions and products include: wireless network equipment (LTE/HSDPA/W-CDMA/EDGE/GPRS/GSM, CDMA2000 1xEV-DO/CDMA2000 1X, TD-SCDMA) core network equipment (IMS, Mobile Softswitch, NGN) network devices ( FTTx, xDSL, optical devices, routers, network switches) applications and hardware (IN, mobile data services, BOSS) terminals (UMTS/CDMA) In 2006, the company demonstrated growth in the segment of new generation networks, including 3G networks. To the beginning As of 2012, the company employs more than 110 thousand people. In total, in 2010, the company had 8 regional branches and about 100 branches around the world. Huawei has 20 R&D centers in different countries, including China, USA, Germany, Turkey, India (Bangalore), Sweden (Stockholm) and Russia (Moscow). The company has created joint innovation centers with such major global telecom operators as Vodafone Group, BT Group, Telecom Italia, France Telecom, Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom. Every year Huawei invests in research and development at least 10% of the volume of signed contracts ($1.26 billion ), remaining one of the leading (13th) enterprises among companies around the world in terms of the number of patent applications filed - 26.8 thousand. On September 21, 2010, in Hong Kong, Huawei demonstrated a prototype of 700 Mbit/s DSL. This demonstration is the first of its class. According to the company, thanks to SuperMIMO (multiple input multiple output) technology, this solution allows operators to build cost-effective, future-proof networks with high bandwidth. This prototype is far superior to existing industrial designs of DSL broadband wireline communications. It achieves transfer speeds of 100 Mbps and is more suitable for the needs of operators providing “ultra-broadband” services. In 2015, Huawei became the third largest smartphone manufacturer in the world.

Slogan: Green Communications, Green Huawei, Green World

Chinese telecommunications company (one of the largest, along with ZTE

It produces various network equipment, mobile phones, terminals, and specialized software. Moreover, all of the above are based on our own developments. According to BusinessWeek
is among the largest and most influential companies in the world.

Name Huawei

consists of two parts, is written in two hieroglyphs and has a double meaning.
is translated both as
“wei” is “achievement” or “action”
Thus, we get something like “Chinese achievement”
“excellent action”
. The translation is approximate, but conveys the general meaning.

Founded in 1987 in Shenzhen, the company was founded by former Chinese People's Liberation Army officer Ren Zhengfei. It is believed that it was he who came up with the name “Huawei”

- an artificial compound word that has never been used anywhere before (according to other sources, this is not true and the word
is still somewhat older than is commonly believed).

The entire history of the company is a story of continuous growth. Today in factories, offices and laboratories of Huawei Technologies

hundreds of thousands of people work, and almost half of them are engaged in research and design activities.
Research centers are located in many countries around the world. Revenues amount to billions of US dollars. The company owns a significant portion of orders from leading cellular operators - for example, in 2007, Vodafone
even awarded
an award for the quality of the equipment, service and services provided.

In February 2008, Huawei

Together with
they founded
Huawei Symantec Technologies
), specializing in network security products and storage systems.

Huawei's policy

is more aimed at conquering the fast-growing markets of developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, rather than at introducing into the more profitable, but also much more conservative markets of Europe and the USA. The company has great influence in the CIS countries.

09 Jan 2010, author: Anna Sheremetyeva. Category: China, Mobile communications and telecommunications; tags: Huawei, mobile phones, network equipment, smartphones. Subscribe to our email newsletter, Facebook and Telegram channels.

How often do we not think at all about what this or that word actually means! We pronounce it “automatically,” but there may be some meaning hidden behind it. This topic is interesting and can be developed ad infinitum... For example, take the names of such well-known technology companies as Huawei and Xiaomi, what do they mean when translated into Russian?

There are no letters in the Chinese language; they are replaced by hieroglyphs, each of which can mean a whole word, or even a concept. Thus, the word Huawei is formed by two hieroglyphs. The first Hua can be translated as "good" or "excellent". Another meaning is “Chinese”. The second part of the word is wei. This hieroglyph can be translated as “achievement.”

Photo from iran-rom.ir

Thus, the name of the Chinese company can be translated as “Chinese achievement”, or as “excellent achievement”. We must pay tribute to those who chose this name, it is quite true - “whatever you call the ship, so it will sail”!

No less interesting is the translation of the Honor brand. It turns out that this word is translated as the expression “That’s not all.” It is not known what exactly Huawei marketers were guided by when naming their sub-brand, but it is very likely that they simply wanted to emphasize that the market has been replenished with another strong player.

And in conclusion, a few words about the name Xiaomi, which is so popular and has become almost native to a huge number of Russians. Both parts of it (Xiao and Mi) are translated as “little rice”, according to the first version. The second implies a different translation - “show me.”

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Sources used:

  • https://orgtech.info/perevod-i-proiznoshenie-huawei/
  • https://huaweigid.ru/blog/drugoe/perevod.html
  • https://kak-perevoditsya.ru/huawei
  • https://next-brands.com/huawei/
  • https://itcrumbs.ru/chto-my-govorim-proiznosya-nazvaniya-huawei-honor-i-xiaomi_47615

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How is HONOR different from HUAWEI?

Perhaps many of our readers do not know this, but the translation of the word honor is not everything. The word Huawei is also translated into Russian. The name “Huawei” itself is not an independent word and consists of two hieroglyphs or two parts. The first word "Hua" means "China" or "magnificent" and the second "Wei" translates to "action" or "achievement". Together, these two characters can be roughly translated from Chinese as “great Chinese achievement.” This company name was invented in 1987 by its founder Ren Zhenfei. Although many sources claim that in fact Ren did not put any meaning into this word, but simply chose the sound that he liked best.

Although these two brands belong to the same company, they have completely different approaches to the market. If Huawei's main line is mostly smartphones for a very wide audience, then Honor is primarily aimed at young buyers who always keep up with the times. That is why Honor has chosen unusual ways to promote and distribute products. Today, the main battlefield for customer wallets for the Honor brand is the Internet, social networks and various popular events.

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