Huawei translation into Russian, what does Huawei mean, how to pronounce it correctly

We live in a world where computer technology exists - in the world of the Internet and smartphones. Every day we use gadgets that can perform up to a million different requests, but we don’t even know how they appeared and who made every effort to ensure that we can communicate freely and always be “online.” One of the world's smartphone development and creation companies is Huawei. The very name of this brand contains several secrets, because the translation of Huawei is not as clear as it might seem at first glance.

How to pronounce Xiaomi correctly

Let's start with a textbook example, and first eliminate two options that are obviously incorrect. “Xiomi” is incorrect because it is a distorted direct transliteration, which in the original sounds like “eksaemai”. This is the simplest option from a direct reading, but, frankly, no one says so.

The question comes in two other versions: “shaomi” and “xiaomi”, and many copies were broken in the dispute on this issue. After all, the fact is that earlier the former vice president of the company, Hugo Barra, insisted on the “shaomi” option, and the Chinese said both “xiaomi” and “shaomi”.

What is more correct? It's actually quite easy to figure this out. According to Russian pronunciation rules, this word should be read as “xiaomi”, which gives the following picture. If you speak Russian, then the most literate option is “xiaomi”, but if you prefer to speak in the English manner, then you can pronounce “shaomi”.

Both options are equally valid, it’s just that the first is adapted Russian, and the second is adapted for English speakers. Yes, perhaps my arguments now sound unconvincing, but to form a complete picture it is worth paying attention to another brand, in the pronunciation of whose name there are discrepancies.

How to read and pronounce Huawei?

Ren Zhengfei, the head of a telecommunications company, came up with a truly interesting and worthwhile name for his brainchild. Some experts believe that success is hidden in the brand name. There is one phrase - “As you name the ship, so it will sail.” If we look at the history of the formation and development of the Chinese manufacturer, we can say that the name works. After all, the company has reached good heights and was able to achieve success.

The company adheres to the rule that if you use its equipment, you must know how to correctly pronounce the brand name. This statement applies not only to the people of China, but also to other countries where their products are especially popular.

In 2012, Huawei representatives decided to test the pronunciation of the brand among New Yorkers by going out onto the main street and asking every passerby the appropriate question. Such an action was carried out in some countries and the following was found out:

  1. In the United States, residents are accustomed to calling the organization UWay.
  2. In China it is accepted - Huawei.
  3. In Russia and the CIS countries the word sounds like Huawei.

They were not impressed with the results and in 2015 they released a video on YouTube, where they talk in detail about the correct pronunciation of the company name.

Huawei Histen: what is it, how to enable, configure and disable

According to experts in the field of Chinese language and representatives of the company themselves, the correct word should be “Wavey”. That is, the word is read without the first letter.


No matter how much this word has been distorted by domestic translators: “xiaomi”, “chaomi”, “ziaomi”. Moreover, the emphasis is certainly on the first syllable, which is fundamentally wrong. In fact, the name consists of two hieroglyphs.

The first is pronounced "xiao" or "shao" with a very soft "sh", common to many Southeast Asian languages, and means "small".

The second, “mi”, is translated as “grain”, taking into account the local specifics - as “rice”.

It can also be found in the name of one of the company’s two main lines, Redmi, which arose as a hybrid of the Chinese Hongmi, meaning “red rice” and its English translation Red Rice.

Therefore, the correct sound would be “xiaomi”, with the emphasis on the last syllable.

How is the name of Huawei translated into Russian and what does it mean?

Currently, most companies seeking success in the global market are busy locating production and expanding sales in a variety of countries. It's no secret that China is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. In order to be able to successfully gain a foothold in the Chinese market, many Western companies have had to adapt their brands.

Many Chinese brands that are very successful at home are also trying to enter the global market, and they also have to pay attention to the names of their brands that will resonate with foreigners. The Chinese understand that to conquer the foreign market it is very important to have a well-thought-out brand name.

Today there are not many brands from the Middle Kingdom that are easily recognizable outside this country. The most famous brands have been won by such brands as ZTE, Geely, Haier, Lenovo, Huawei, Xiaomi and some others.

There are three main trends in the naming of brands owned by Chinese manufacturers:

  1. Preservation of the original national names, transmitted using the Pinyin system used for transcribing Chinese characters.
  2. A slight adaptation of Chinese names, transmitted via Pinyin, to the pronunciation standards of consumers in English-speaking countries.
  3. Using abbreviations as trademarks.


In the case of this company, everything is not so clear. The first character, pronounced “hua” or “ua” (experts differ here), has two meanings: “excellent, magnificent” and “China”.

The second, "wei", means "achievement", "action leading to victory." Therefore, the meaning of the name is “magnificent achievement” or “Chinese achievement.”

There are slightly fewer problems with sound than Xiaomi.

Sometimes there is a clumsy letter-by-letter transcription of “Huawei,” but in general the most common pronunciation of “Huawei” is quite consistent with the canon, despite the fact that, according to some experts, the brand should sound like “Ua-Wei” and nothing else.

But this pronunciation is more typical of the English-speaking audience.

Huawei company and its name

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. (华为) is a Chinese company specializing in information and telecommunications technologies. It was founded in 1988 and is headquartered in Shenzhen.

Huawei's main business is to provide services to telecommunications network operators, including hardware and software, as well as the organization of computer networks in institutions and offices.

Over the past few years, Huawei has become one of the leaders in the production of mobile phones both in China and abroad. Before entering the global market, it was one of the leading manufacturers of consumer electronics in the Middle Kingdom. The adoption of a competitive pricing policy helped Huawei achieve international recognition. Thanks to this, the company's profit in 2010 amounted to about 3.7 billion US dollars, and Huawei products and services began to be sold in more than 140 countries around the world.

This was a brief information about Huawei, but what about its name? Which of the above trends can this brand be classified as?

Definitely the first one, because “Huawei” is a kind of transliteration of the Chinese brand name into the Latin alphabet. In this case, the same Pinyin system was used, since in China it is officially recognized for transcribing Chinese syllables into European languages.

Huawei strives to maintain its distinctiveness as a recognized brand, as it is incredibly successful in its home country and has already achieved a certain level of recognition throughout the world. Using your phonetically original name in foreign countries increases Huawei's brand recognition, and the Pinyin system is perfect for this.

Exactly the same naming strategy is followed by other world-famous brands such as Toshiba, Samsung and Nintendo.

How to translate Huawei from Chinese into Russian

By going through the phone to the dictionary of meanings and entering the Huawei translation from Chinese into Russian there, the search will give a decoding of the hieroglyphs. The first part literally means “China” or “Magnificent, Delightful.” The second syllable is interpreted as “action, achievement.” Put together, we get different meanings of “amazing achievements” or “deeds of China.”

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How to say Huawei correctly: pronunciation, translation

How to pronounce Huawei correctly is a question whose answer will probably surprise many. Most users in Russia are accustomed to pronounce this word - Huawei. Whether this is correct - no one really thinks about it. The largest manufacturer of smartphones, headphones, fitness bracelets and other equipment, it is extremely popular among young people around the world. The main reason is the ratio of price and quality of products. But do you correctly pronounce the brand you are used to using every day?

How to change language – Huawei laptop

Changing the language on a Huawei phone is quick and easy. However, with other Huawei devices the process is slightly different. If you have one of the Huawei laptops and it runs on Windows 10, you can also change the operating system language. But if your version of Windows 10 is Windows 10 Home, this is a single language option. This means that your computer only supports one display language. And you can't download the language pack to change it.

So, to change the display language on your Huawei laptop, you first need to upgrade it to Windows 10 Pro and then download the desired language pack. Keep in mind, this update is not free. But if you decide to go further, or your computer already supports multiple language options, this is what you need to do:

  1. Go to the Windows icon and select Settings.
  2. Now select Time & Language.
  3. Select "Region and Language" and then click "Add Language".
  4. Download the language pack of your choice or simply select one you have already downloaded.

You can then set this language as your default and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Make changes that work for you

If you have a Huawei device or are looking to purchase one, rest assured that changing the language is not difficult. At best, it's a few taps on the screen. In the worst case scenario, you may need to download an app. All that matters is that the system language is your choice.

But if you want to play around and see if you can use your phone while the default language is Russian or Hebrew, you can do that too. It might even help you learn a few foreign words.

Let us know what you think about the language change on Huawei in the comments section below.

How to change language – Huawei Smart Watch

If you are the proud owner of a Huawei Watch GT bracelet or an Honor bracelet, you may have problems with the system's default language. These devices are incredibly practical and fun to use, but what good is it if you don't understand the display language? Huawei Smart watches and bracelets are set to use the same language as your phone. It makes sense. To use them, you must sync them with your phone.

This requires downloading the Huawei Health app. For Android users, you can get it here. For iOS users here. All you need to do is change the system language on your phone and then sync using the Huawei Health app.

Language settings can help you learn

It is clear that English is the language of technology. At least that's the case for most of the Western world. But if you want to maintain your cognitive skills, learning a foreign language can be very beneficial. You can use one of the language apps and start practicing. Or you can just start changing the system language on your devices and see how quickly you can come up with keywords.

To take it even further, you can change the default language of your navigation app and see how long it takes you to get lost. When you stream your favorite shows, you can switch subtitles and try new phrases. And your final push might be to change the default language for your social media accounts. Chances are, the new system language on your phone will look like a breeze in comparison!

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