Fixing battery problems with Xiaomi Redmi Note 3

Why you should try replacing the battery yourself

As a rule, even a budget phone has a non-removable battery. With the cost of a new Mi4c or Mi5 being 10-15 thousand rubles, replacing the battery at an equipment repair service will cost a couple of thousand.

The amount is not small, considering the initial price tag of the gadget. Plus, you will have to wait a period of time until the technician gets his hands on your phone.

Replacing a battery at home is a much more economical and faster process.

If you follow all the instructions given in the material, replacing the battery on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro or any other smartphone from the company will be successful and without consequences.

Battery problems

Often battery problems are associated with software bugs or bugs in the firmware. Hardware problems are less common and usually appear at least a year after purchasing the phone.

Carefully study the causes and descriptions of battery malfunctions and analyze them. Perhaps after reading it, it will become clear why the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro did not charge.

Reason 1. Debris in the charging socket

An extremely common problem, especially among those who wear a gadget in jeans and without a case. The hole inside is textured, so many small particles accumulate in it. It is enough to drop the device in the sand or on the ground, and in some cases this is enough for the socket to become clogged and block the contacts. Therefore, you need to monitor the condition of the device.

Neutralizing pollution is not difficult. For this you will need:

  • Toothbrush;
  • ear stick;
  • a can of compressed air;
  • flashlight.

Examine the hole with a flashlight, then blow it thoroughly with a can to remove any light particles. Now clean the port with an ear swab and remove any remaining dirt with a brush. Then slowly insert the charging cable.

Reason 2: Software glitches

Almost all forums advise doing a factory reset or changing the firmware if the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro takes a long time to charge or does not respond to being connected to an outlet at all. This is especially true if a custom or localized build based on MIUI or Android is installed.

Failures occur in any system, some can lead to problems with the battery. Most often, errors affect the power controller, which controls the entire charging cycle. Typically, the statistics data accumulated in it are reset through a Hard Reset (resetting to factory settings). Before manipulation, do not forget to backup your data using third-party software or built-in service.

Reason 3. Charging cable faults

It's worth checking your charging cable on another phone and trying to charge your own gadget using someone else's USB cable. This will all help you figure out what exactly the problem is: the phone or the charger.

Not only the cable breaks, but also the power supply. It should also be tested.

Reason 4. Oxidation of USB connector contacts

A complication may occur if the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro was in an environment with high humidity or was left idle for a long time. During this time, the port could have oxidized, because there is no protection from moisture in it, and accordingly, the current from the cable did not flow as needed.

To fix the problem, you need to take a needle, soak it in alcohol and very carefully clean the contacts. Do this carefully, do not overdo it with pressure and alcohol. It is better to entrust the matter to a person who has experience in such procedures, since you can accidentally break something.

Reason 5. Using a non-original charger

Third-party charging accessories may not provide the required voltage or provide too much of it, which is also bad. As a result, charging will proceed slowly, the controller will not be able to respond correctly to the current supply, and there may be jumps in the percentage of charge. It is recommended to use only a standard charger, and if you lose it or need an additional one, buy a similar device or one that will have the same characteristics.

Reason 6. Severe battery drain

If the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro is completely discharged and has been left in this state for a long time, it will not start charging immediately. Sometimes you need to connect it for 15-30 minutes, or even a couple of hours, for it to turn on. It is beneficial to simply plug it into an outlet and leave it overnight.

Reason 7. Battery wear

Despite the fact that modern lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries last a long time, they still lose capacity and become unusable over time. The phone may turn off at 50% charge and not turn on again, or it may discharge quickly, then slowly, or immediately lose 20%-40%. These are all symptoms of battery problems.

To check the condition of the battery, you need to remove it from the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro. Inspect to make sure there are no leaks or thickening. It is easy to check for swelling; you need to place the battery on the table and twist it. If it rotates, resting on one place that rises above the plane of the battery, this is bad. A multimeter will help you finally verify whether it is working or not; it will accurately show the current capacity of the battery.

Reason 8. Controller operation error

Controller failures occasionally cause slow or uneven charging. Sometimes the phone refuses to charge at all. To fix the problem, you need to perform a calibration.

How to calibrate the battery?

  1. Discharge your phone until it turns off.
  2. Plug the charging unit into the outlet, and then connect the cable to the device.
  3. Wait until Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro is charged to 100%.
  4. Turn on your smartphone.
  5. Turn it off completely and charge again for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Launch the gadget and use it.

This method has helped many people overcome controller failures.

The last way to solve the problem

If you are an experienced user, then there is an option to revive the battery and make it work as it should.

Important! You will need to disassemble the phone and disconnect the cables, do not do this unless you are sure that you will not break anything. Better take it to service.

How to turn off the loop?

  1. Remove the cover.
  2. Disconnect the cable going from the battery to the board.
  3. Put your phone on charge.
  4. Turn it on.
  5. Return the cable to its place.

Approximately 40% of those who tried this reported that the result was positive.

Phone assembly

It's time to restore your smartphone to its original state.

Despite popular belief, assembling the device will not be so difficult if you remember the entire process of disassembling the gadget.

  1. Check that all components removed during disassembly remain in place. If so, then start putting protection on top of the battery. Screw the bolts and connect the cable to the fingerprint scanner to check its functionality. Turn on your smartphone and make sure the device is working properly.
  2. Replace the cover and press it down on all sides until all the latches are in place. After successful fixation, you can turn on the phone and enjoy the performance of the new battery.

We hope that the process of installing the battery on Xiaomi went without consequences.

Next, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of problems that arise during replacement and how to solve them.

Disassembling the phone

For repairs you need to prepare:

  • small Phillips screwdriver (1.5 mm);
  • plastic card;
  • double sided tape;
  • tweezers;
  • new battery.

When the tools are at hand, you can start replacing.

First, use the supplied paperclip to remove the SIM card slot. Next, using a plastic card, begin to pry the cover around the entire perimeter of the phone to disconnect it from the latches. Be careful and do not make sudden movements.

When the cover is released from the latches, slowly remove it. You will see the protection that needs to be removed by unscrewing the bolts with a screwdriver.

There are several seals under the stickers. It is worth noting that after removing them, the phone will lose its warranty, if any.

Having gained access inside, carefully disconnect the battery cable with tweezers. To remove the battery, you need to peel off the double-sided tape that holds it in place.

Tips for replacing the battery

Mi phone, battery replacement and repair often turn out to be interconnected things if mistakes were made during the disassembly of the device.

Let's take a look at the problems that users often encounter.

  • The cover of the smartphone is held very tightly. Removing it from Redmi can be quite difficult. Therefore, if problems arise, it is better to take the device to a service center.
  • If the battery itself is difficult to handle, you need to pry it off with a plastic card or a pick. After all, the battery is held on with double-sided tape, which is securely fastened. If a crunching sound appears after trying to pry off the battery, stop the process and give the smartphone to specialists.
  • If you have problems turning on the phone, you need to check that the cable is securely fastened. It is he who connects the battery to the motherboard. The same goes for the fingerprint scanner.
  • If the cover does not snap completely into place or is loose after replacing the battery, you need to press it as hard as possible until all the latches are secured.

Replacing the battery on Xiaomi –

Changing the battery

If the test shows that the phone's battery will soon stop working or is no longer functioning, then it's time to think about buying a new one.

Xiaomi Redmi 3, Redmi Note 3 Pro are popular models, they have a lot of components in online stores. You will be able to find original models from third-party manufacturers. The only thing is that retailers have a higher cost of goods, so if possible, it’s worth ordering a battery, for example, from Aliexpress. It’s cheaper there, there’s a large selection, but you’ll have to wait a long time for the parcel (from 15 days to 1.5 months).

Important nuances

At home, you can replace almost any part of your Xiaomi phone. But this does not apply to the screen. If it breaks or another breakdown occurs, you will have to contact the experts. To properly replace a touchscreen, you need special equipment that simply cannot be found in an ordinary apartment.

If you need to remove the battery, it is not always enough to just unscrew the bolts and remove the protective seal. The manufacturer often glues it additionally, which complicates the task. But here you can do without the help of a professional. It is enough just to slightly warm up the mobile device next to the battery. In this case, the heat source must be kept at a distance so as not to damage the phone itself.

Before starting to disassemble your Xiaomi phone, we advise you to watch a training video that clearly demonstrates the processes we described. Then you will definitely get everything right, and the smartphone after assembly will work no worse than before disassembly.

Algorithm of actions

First, remove the SIM card slot from the mobile device and turn off the device completely. Additionally, prepare for the operation a special spatula for working with small equipment or an alternative tool with which you can remove the back panel. The main condition is the absence of a sharp end that could damage the body.

  • Using a spudger or other similar equipment, begin to open the back panel, disconnecting the fasteners. They are installed on all the side edges of the smartphone, but the first action should be in the edge area, since the corners have the best predisposition. Since the build quality is very high, the first attempt may fail, so more force is required to achieve the result;
  • Unfasten the sensor cable, which is a thin wire between the cover and the display, but you need to be careful as it can be accidentally damaged. Disconnect the seal for fixing the cable and you will be able to gain access to the internal components of the case;
  • Next, you can inspect all the technical components. At the top there is a processor and cameras, at the bottom there is a battery, while the chipset and modules are covered with a protective cover. If you eliminate it, you can gain access to the processor and remove the battery, which is attached to the back. As a result, only the front and rear lenses can be removed without unscrewing the screws;
  • To easily remove the bolts, use a regular Phillips screwdriver, being careful that the upper parts are longer than the lower ones. Therefore, recommends setting them aside separately so that there are no difficulties during the assembly process;
  • The algorithm of actions to complete the procedure completely repeats the reverse order of the instructions. Moreover, you should especially pay attention to the correct fixation of the sensor cable.

Important tips before disassembly

The need for disassembly may be explained by the fact that the smartphone became drowned, that is, immersed in water for some time. Another option is that you need to replace the spare part.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, you should contact a service center.

Experts know better how to disassemble a Redmi 3s phone. Replacing the screen can lead to disastrous consequences, since the house is unlikely to have all the necessary equipment for this operation.

But if the danger of your smartphone failing is not scary, you can safely proceed to the actions described in the instructions.

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