Xiaomi redmi 9 gets hot - Battery drains quickly

As you know, nothing lasts forever, and phones are no exception. Despite the use of high-quality non-degradable materials by manufacturers, they will still lose their quality over time and break down from frequent use. Internal batteries are at the top of the list of deteriorating and short-lived components. They are destroyed daily, and the worst thing is that it is irreversible.

Today, the main batteries used are lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries. Their quality inevitably deteriorates after each charge, and this does not depend on the manufacturer or the cost of the gadget. Of course, these deteriorations are not noticeable after each recharge, however, they become significant after several years of active use of the device. I think if you compare your phone now and a year ago, you will notice that before, a full battery charge lasted you for a longer period.

You probably have questions about how you can know if it’s time to replace your battery if you use a Xiaomi device and whether it will last for some time? How much longer will the phone's operating time be with a new battery?

In MIUI 11, it is possible to check the phone's battery status using the built-in Security app or using a third-party one called "AIDA64".

There is also an option using a computer with Xiaomi software pre-installed on it. But then you will need to set up work in a computer console for a long and difficult time, and also install software. Despite the fact that you don’t have to do this, because the phone itself can provide the information you need.


Of course, Xiaomi redmi 9 heats up for various reasons - in some cases, only slight warming of the case may be observed. Whereas in other cases it becomes excessively hot. Smartphone heating repair service, follow the link we have, we have an on-site repair service.

The following factors lead to this:

  • The gadget was lying close to the heat source. After all, the aluminum body conducts heat intensively.
  • The user opens too many background tasks.
  • Games that require a lot of memory are loaded.
  • When the battery is charging. At this moment, a large amount of energy is released.
  • Long-term use, especially when actively watching videos or playing games.

How to properly charge a Xiaomi phone

Battery charging problems are quite common. When purchasing a gadget, you will notice that it is usually 30-80% charged. This charge is supported for a reason, but because it is the most optimal for a smartphone. In this article we will look at a pressing issue: how to properly charge a new Xiaomi phone, and what needs to be done to make the battery last much longer.

Why does the battery drain so quickly?

New lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries do not need to be pre-calibrated, and they do not need to be discharged to 0 and charged to 100% the first three times (this can be done after some time). However, new gadgets also have problems with energy consumption. It happens that after purchase the battery holds a charge for quite a long time, and after a month of use its battery life drops significantly. This happens due to improper charging of the phone, excess loads and many other factors.

Check out this article about discharging lithium-ion batteries and extending their life. It is in English, but using a translator will not be a problem. I also recommend paying attention to user comments.

1. Bigger screen means bigger battery. The battery on old push-button phones drained just as quickly as on modern smartphones, only now they consume much more energy. This is because we use them every day, always and everywhere.

2. Background applications that cannot be disabled. This includes the Internet, Bluetooth, GPS, Xiaomi and Google application services, analytics, etc.

3. The Android system itself. A modern phone will not work for 1-2 days (with constant use), and this will be considered the norm. But due to battery wear, this figure may decrease.

4. Loads. When using the phone for a long time, its battery becomes very hot, especially if the ambient temperature is above 30 degrees, or the device is used in sunlight.

Proper charging of Xiaomi and Redmi phones

There is a myth that a new phone's battery needs to be discharged to zero and then charged to 100%. However, it is not. This technology worked well on older devices. All Xiaomi devices have galvanic cells installed that will prevent the battery from charging more than necessary.

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