Problems with Wi-Fi on a Xiaomi smartphone, what is the reason and how to fix it?

When we are connected to the WiFi network from our Xiaomi Mobile phone, we will not have to suffer from problems, especially if we are at home or in a safe place. However, WiFi connection failures, slow speeds or glitches may appear more than we would like on our smartphone. To solve it, we will show you the main problems we are going to find and the best solutions.

If specific solutions for our problem do not take effect, we encourage you to try other solutions, so we will keep discarding problems until we find a solution. These WiFi problems in MIUI are more common than we would like, and although in most cases they have a relatively simple solution, it can be a headache until you find the error.

Contents [show]

  • WiFi on Xiaomi is very slow Activate extreme traffic mode in MIUI
  • Disable Battery Saver
  • Select the best network and deselect automatic
  • Unable to connect to WiFi network
      Reboot your mobile
  • Resetting WiFi and network settings in MIUI
  • Unexpected connection disconnections
      Change WiFi network channel
  • Interference from other devices
  • What to check first

    How I do it. If you have connection problems, the main thing is not to panic and find out if everything is fine with your provider. Try connecting from another device, not necessarily a phone, but you definitely need to find out whether there is Wi-Fi or not. Otherwise, it will be running in circles, and you will be looking for something that actually isn’t there.

    If the provider did not let you down and there is no network, we continue. Our next step will be to update your network connection. To do this, go to your phone sequentially:

    • to settings;
    • Wi-Fi;
    • saved networks;
    • delete the desired network.

    The effect of forgetting your phone and turning it back on sometimes results in unexpected connections.

    Did not help? We reboot the router and repeat everything, the same thing. A complete update of the source-receiver pair removes the “plugs” and in 50 cases out of a hundred actually restores the connection.

    If the connection between the router and the phone does not work after the update, you will have to dig deeper.

    Check internet availability

    Sometimes it happens that a Xiaomi phone establishes a Wi-Fi connection, but there is no Internet on it. This happens because the router has lost the connection with the provider, or the connection is active, but the provider had an accident and does not distribute the Internet to end users.

    Make sure that other devices connected to the same router also have no Internet. Or call your provider's support service and ask if they have a line failure in your area.

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    Xiaomi connects but does not load sites

    A little history. At one time, after I bought the flagship Xiaomi Mi 3, several years ago, I was faced with the impossibility of accessing the Internet, or rather, there was a way out, but I could download practically nothing. Subsequently, I found out that there is a setting in the “Download from tools” option, there is a manual configuration of the traffic of received files. Here you could also set the priority of downloading using Wi-Fi and the size of the downloaded file. When I installed unlimited, everything worked right away.

    Now this setting does not exist, everything is regulated at the system level, and therefore you need to pay attention to other points.

    1. If the Wi-Fi icon is gray and not blue, as with an active connection, then you should check the current date and time settings in your smartphone; they may be out of order. Incorrect temporary settings do not allow the Internet connection to work. Even on a computer, not like on a phone.

    2. The proxy server (an option in the properties of the active network to which the connection was made) must be empty. If it is in manual setting mode, it should be returned to its original position.

    3. Airplane mode enabled or Wi-Fi settings in sleep mode cause the connection to disappear. Remove the random restrictions and everything will work. Airplane mode is configured from the curtain, sleep mode is configured in the advanced Wi-Fi settings. In my current Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro on the latest global firmware, everything is exactly like this.

    4. Problems obtaining an IP address. If you receive Internet from your provider with a dynamic address, then the DHCP service should be running in your phone settings, which will automatically assign an IP address to your device. But, in the case of a static DHCP address, you should disable it and enter custom settings instead of the proposed option. These parameters must be asked from the provider so that everything corresponds to reality and there are no conflicts with the assigned addresses. So, go into the settings of the current active Wi-Fi network and activate the option - IP settings.
    5. It may be worth changing the DNS, which is recommended first. There, in the user settings of the active network, you can see DNS1 and DNS2, indicating -, this choice is recommended, in case the connection freezes, check.

    6. For those who find it difficult to delve into the settings and who are unsure of the correct choice, there is a way out. Download the Wi-Fi Fixer application from the play market, install it on your phone and launch it. The program itself will do the rest; your settings will match.

    7. Crooked firmware or installed software. The most radical option is resetting the settings to factory settings or, sadly, reflashing the device.

    Having suffered enough with your phone, you come to the conclusion that all your attempts are in vain and the problem does not go away. Then God himself ordered you to go to a service center and diagnose the hardware of your smartphone. Perhaps you have a specific breakdown, which specialists will take care of.

    Last resort measure

    If you have already tried everything and nothing helps, move on to the last resort - resetting the settings.

    Attention! Save all important data from your phone. They will be destroyed.

    Settings – Backup and reset – Factory reset

    If you still have a problem after resetting:

    1. Or you are doing something very stupid (for example, trying to connect to your neighbor’s network with the wrong password, thinking that it is your network).
    2. Hardware failure or defect - all that remains is to take it to a service center. Rarely, but no one is immune. In general, Wi-Fi modules work for a very, very long time. They burn out extremely rarely. Also, the problem when the phone simply does not receive a signal well is usually associated with the antenna (they are often unsoldered).

    And it seems like I described all the possible situations on these devices, but it’s still somehow not systematic. And it is very difficult to achieve consistency here - I cannot know the current state of affairs in your country. We are not psychics; we do not practice fortune telling using coffee grounds. Therefore, if you want detailed help, try to describe your entire situation in detail. Dumb copying of the title of this article into our chat will be ignored. For this I say goodbye. Good luck in resolving this problem. See you soon on our portal!

    In the modern world, the Internet has become the main supplier of data for phones and other gadgets. Wi-Fi is most often used as a tool for creating a network and combining many devices into one conglomeration.

    Xiaomi phones constantly use Wi-Fi to access the Internet at high speed, this feature works well, but sometimes there are glitches.

    In this article, I will talk about how to easily and quickly fix your Wi-Fi connection even when your Xiaomi phone does not see the Wi-Fi network or, having connected to it, cannot access the Internet.

    The phone does not work with a specific access point

    That is, it is implied that it still works, but selectively. In this case, we have a problem related to the router, so we turn our backs on the smartphone and pay attention to the router.

    I would like to draw your attention to the most common way to try to eliminate inconsistencies between the source and the receiver. This is to change the encryption on the router. For some reason, it is assumed that some Xiaomi models do not communicate well with a WPA2 PSK signal and it is recommended to switch to simple WDS or WPA. Changing parameters is carried out on the router’s web page, in the Wi-Fi settings. I don’t recommend removing the protection completely; anyone and everyone can use the open network.

    There, in the router’s wireless network settings, we check the setting of the broadcast region. Some providers refuse to distribute the Internet to devices whose region is incorrectly defined.

    We change the signal frequencies from b\g\n to b\g. Sometimes they offer to change the broadcast channels themselves, selecting everything that is in the list in order. That is, disable automatic selection. Whichever channel the connection appears on is the one that starts working. But I personally don’t know who it helped at least once.

    Sometimes resetting the Wi-Fi password and then restarting helps.

    Xiaomi often updates their phones, which sometimes leads to changing some of the previously set values ​​of the data exchange system over the air. If, after such a procedure, you are denied access to a verified Wi-Fi point, you need to check literally all the connection parameters to ensure they comply with the router settings. Perhaps encryption needs to be changed towards more complexity, and not vice versa. Try different options.

    Some routers operate on two broadcast frequencies, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz; in this case, I advise you to make all connections , including for Xiaomi phones, on a less busy frequency, 5 GHz.

    Sometimes changing the channel latitude helps, but this is practically the last option. If, after all that has been done, your smartphone does not become friends with a specific access point (which is very doubtful), a hard reset of the router, followed by a complete registration of all data from the provider, helps.

    Downloading the full firmware

    Xiaomi smartphones are configured to automatically update the firmware while connected to charging, unless you have disabled this feature yourself. This is the right decision, because the update contains many bug fixes, system optimizations and new features.

    However, the firmware version that comes automatically is called OTA (On The Air), i.e. This version is stripped down, designed specifically for over-the-air updates, and therefore contains only critical files and other elements that have been changed.

    But there is also a full version, which takes up much more memory and which includes all the files necessary for the operation of the smartphone. Sometimes, either due to an oversight or for some other reason, errors creep into OTA versions of firmware, or incorrect pointers to libraries and files that have not been updated, respectively, and sometimes errors can occur because of this.

    Fortunately, on Xiaomi you can update through three points and download the full version, followed by automatic updating without data loss, which is what I advise you to do.

    To do this, open the settings, find the item “About phone” .

    “MIUI Version” . In the upper right corner, click on the Three Dots . And in the drop-down menu “Download full firmware” .
    Wait until the download completes and agree to reboot, during which the update will occur. Return to content

    Hard Reset

    So, you have just reset the router; in severe cases, it is recommended to carry out the same procedure on Xiaomi phones. For a complete, so to speak, update of the connection of these devices and correct operation in the future.

    We prepare the smartphone to reset the parameters to factory settings. Making a backup:

    • go to settings;
    • Advanced settings;
    • local reservation, enter the password;

    • create a backup copy and subsequently save it to a memory card, for example;
    • We take out the memory card with backup and the SIM card from the phone.

    Directly Hard Reset itself. We go along the route indicated above, but select the option to reset settings. The smartphone will destroy all your settings and data, and new settings will be required to connect to the Internet access point.

    That's all. If this article did not help you, then most likely your Wi-Fi module is broken and should be replaced. Or the antenna may be damaged. But in any case, the device should be checked more carefully.

    Turn off airplane mode

    Sometimes the simplest solutions should be found in the most visible places. Accidentally, or intentionally, you could have turned on “Airplane mode” , which is intended for flying on an airplane.

    When this mode is activated, the phone disables all wireless interfaces: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi cellular module.

    Airplane Mode on and off by bringing up the notification shade by swiping down from the top edge of the screen and finding the airplane icon. It should be pale; if it is bright, it means it is turned on and, of course, the Internet will not work.

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    Wi-Fi connection

    How to set up a Xiaomi Router 3G wireless router

    In order to connect your smartphone to the wireless Internet, you need:

    1. Go to settings, then to the “Network and Internet” section.
    2. On the WiFi tab, you need to activate the switch and select the desired network from those that are active.
    3. Then you need to enter the password and confirm the entry.
    4. After this, the message “Enabled” will appear.

    The wireless network is now activated. If WiFi on Xiaomi does not turn on, then you need to figure out why this is happening.

    This smartphone can be turned into a wireless access point. This makes it possible to organize a wireless connection to the Internet on other devices. Before doing this, you need to check the availability of WiFi on your smartphone. If the connection exists, you can proceed to create an access point from your phone for other wireless devices. In the Redmi 5 plus smartphone, the access point is configured as follows:

    1. You need to go to the settings section and select the “Personal Access Point” line.
    2. This will open a screen showing more detailed settings.
    3. You need to enable the “WiFi access point” option.
    4. Then they go to its settings, according to which the Internet will be distributed. To do this, select the appropriate item.
    5. On the new screen you need to specify the parameters of the wireless network you are creating. These include the name, the type of protection used, the password to access it, and the frequency range used (2.4 or 5.0 GHz).

    After the data has been entered, you need to check its correctness and confirm it. After this, the Xiaomi hotspot can be used by other devices.

    This network can be turned on or off at the owner's request. In order to do this, you need to use the corresponding button on the notification shade.

    When organizing an access point on Redmi, you need to take into account that traffic consumption may increase sharply. One possible reason for this is software updates on other devices, which may occur automatically.

    Situation No. 2: the smartphone initially does not connect to Wi-Fi

    Things are much worse if the phone does not immediately recognize the network after purchase. What to do in this case?

    Mechanical damage

    If we are talking about interruptions with the router, then physical influences are usually to blame : the wire broke, the router fell, you flooded it with water, etc. In such cases, only experienced professionals will help.

    The Wi-Fi module on the phone can also be damaged due to trivial reasons: dropped on a hard surface, pressed down. At home, replacing a Wi-Fi device is quite difficult , but if you still decide, our instructions for disassembling the devices will help you:

    Defective model

    The reason for the Internet not working can be either in the router or in the phone itself . If you purchased a new Xiaomi and it does not connect to the network, but other devices function well, then the smartphone is to blame . To avoid such troubles, follow a few simple rules before making a purchase:

    • Buy equipment only from reliable sellers (preferably local stores).
    • Always check the functionality of the phone and ask to connect the device to the Internet.
    • Demand a guarantee so that if a malfunction occurs, you can either return the device or get free repairs.
    • Give preference only to stable global firmware (as a last resort, take a closer look at the Global Developer ROM if you are an experienced user). Wi-Fi not working on a custom or “Vietnamese” shell is a common occurrence.


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