Meizu battery runs out very quickly: reasons, solutions to problems

Every smartphone owner sooner or later encounters the problem of the device quickly discharging. Moreover, the battery can fail at the most crucial moment, when you urgently need to call a friend or quickly find information on the Internet. Regardless of the brand of device, there are many ways to preserve battery charge for as long as possible. If your Meizu battery runs out quickly, this article will help solve the problem and give practical tips on how to extend battery life.

Battery fault

Most cases of fast discharge of a Meizu phone are due to the expiration of the battery life. This can happen to any device, because phone batteries are not durable, they can lose their capacity or stop working due to the poor quality of the battery itself. Solution:

  1. If the phone is under warranty, the service center will help you. There they will diagnose the device for any problems in the hardware, and if necessary, replace the device or return the money.
  2. If your phone has a removable battery, you can simply replace it with a new one. But it is worth considering the brand of the phone - most often different devices have different batteries. You should also not look for the cheapest batteries: there is no guarantee that it will be better than the replacement one and will not “burn out” on the first day. Buy only original components designed specifically for your gadget.
  3. It is better to take a phone with a non-removable battery to a service center, so as not to break anything on your own.

Disadvantages of Meizu M5

Gets very hot when recording videos and playing games

Even if it is still far from hot outside and at home, the smartphone heats up very quickly. The device especially gets very hot when running various games (those games that can load processes and the video chip). What’s not encouraging at all is that when recording video, the device may generally display a message that the processor has overheated and the recording will be stopped. Since I record a little video for YouTube, I immediately noticed this problem. Usually my videos are no longer than 5-7 minutes, and for now the smartphone is enough for this, but I have to remove the case so that it does not overheat. If you are buying a smartphone for the purpose of recording videos, then I think you should take a closer look at another model.

Not the strongest battery

The specifications for the smartphone indicate that the battery is 3070 mAh. This is a good indicator for a budget smartphone, but in general, some budget phones have stronger batteries, for example, Xiaomi smartphones. Well, I will write in more detail about the battery a little lower. In general, the battery is designed to last one day of using the device.

The screen is scratched

Over the course of 4 months of using the smartphone, several shallow scratches appeared on the screen. For me personally, this is not a problem, because smartphones usually last no more than 2-3 years and there is no point in throwing away a smartphone in perfect condition =). Therefore, I don’t bother too much with films, protective glasses, super cases, etc.. By the way, to protect my smartphone (after all, I have 2 children) I bought this case:

I recommend ordering on Aliexpress - only 4-5 USD.

External device speaker

The external speaker of the device is really quite weak. In terms of volume, it is certainly not bad, but the sound it produces does not contain any middle ground at all. The sound is very high frequency. I challenged the standard tililikalka (all iPhone owners do this, so I found myself in the trend =)) If you like to listen to music on your smartphone, it’s better not to buy this device, or even better, just buy yourself a portable speaker, for example Zealot ( buy at Aliexpress – 15 USD ), as I did. And then for 15 bucks you will get sound that is much better than even in flagship smartphones.

Wireless connections

Particularly energy-consuming are the GPS geolocation functions of the phone, i.e. location determination. It can work unnoticed, since many applications, even ordinary weather widgets, periodically update your location, thereby instantly using up your smartphone’s energy.


Disable geodata transfer. This can be done in the notification shade by clicking on the corresponding icon. If you still need location determination, but for specific applications, you can configure access in “Settings” - “Personal” - “Location” - “Access to geodata”. You will see a list of applications that use your geodata. Select an application, click on the down arrow and choose an action to allow or deny access to the location. If the battery on your Meizu phone starts to drain very quickly, try these tips.

Solving the problem with processor overheating

The battery can drain quickly and the phone can become very hot when a large number of programs are running simultaneously in the background. To close them you need:

Mobile devices also heat up when the RAM and internal memory are heavily clogged with residual files, cache and other unnecessary data. Fortunately, the proprietary Meizu Flyme shell provides a multifunctional manager that allows you to monitor the load on the OS, remove garbage and clean up the RAM. It works like this:

The file manager, among other things, is equipped with antivirus functions. Therefore, if your phone gets very hot, it would be a good idea to check it for malware. If you find potentially dangerous software, it is better to get rid of it.

Many Meizu owners complain about the rapid discharge of batteries in their smartphones. If this happens when the device is actively used, then there is nothing unusual about it, since under heavy load the processor consumes a large amount of energy. If the battery dies even when the phone is in rest mode, this may indicate a malfunction of the mobile device or its incorrect configuration. Let's look at why Meizu Pro 6 and Meizu M5 Note discharge quickly and how to fix the problem yourself.


Applications on the phone are the most energy-consuming activities on the device. Without your knowledge, they can do work and waste battery power.


  1. Among all applications, GooglePlay services are distinguished, pre-installed in every Android device. You won’t be able to get rid of them forever - it’s impossible to remove Google services without special rights, and their absence affects the performance of the entire device. Monthly clearing of the cache from old data will help reduce the energy consumption of this application. You can do this by going to “Settings” – “Applications” – “All programs” – “Google Play Services” – “Clear cache”.
  2. Through “Settings” - “Power Management” you can see which applications on your smartphone consume the most energy. All energy costs are divided into software and hardware. Software ones mainly consist of Google Play-like applications running in the background, due to which Meizu becomes discharged. Fortunately, they can be closed in the same window.
  3. Another thing is hardware energy consumption, which the user cannot control. These include wireless networks, screen operation, and standby mode. If you use the device frequently, change the brightness from automatic to manual, and set the brightness to minimum.

Signs to look out for.

If the phone case is warm during charging or immediately after charging, then this is normal. If it gets slightly warm when using complex programs, this is also normal. But if the case heats up during inactivity. Or when launching regular applications, you should pay attention to this.

Reasons for overheating of the phone case.

  • Charging the battery using a non-original charger;
  • Simultaneous activation of Wi-Fi , GPS and Bluetooth ;
  • Turn on full screen brightness;
  • Launching programs and games that require increased energy consumption.
  • Overheating zones of the Meizu Note 9 .

If the case overheats, you need to determine where exactly it is heating up:

The top of the case gets hot;

This is due to the work of the processor 3D games , photo and video editors, browsers. They force the processor to work at full power, which leads to its heating.

The back panel is heating up.

This indicates a battery failure. It will not be possible to inspect it visually, because... the body is one-piece. But, you can go to the “ Battery Log ” and find out the reason.

Android MediaServer process

Android MediaServer is responsible for scanning the system, detecting new files on the internal memory or memory card. If any file is damaged, the system scan stops, trying to solve the problem, spending additional battery resources.


  1. When transferring data from a computer to a smartphone, certain problems may arise. They damage the transferred files. One of the reasons for these problems to appear is that Android is not properly disconnected from the PC. To avoid damaging the phone's soldering, use only the "Safely Remove" option from your computer, which can be found in your computer's control panel.
  2. Use a quality memory card. They are reliable and work much faster than cheap analogues.

CPU diagnostics

In all Meizu smartphones, special sensors monitor the temperature of the processor and battery. If these elements heat up above normal, thermal sensors notify the owner of the device about a potentially dangerous situation and automatically turn it off.

Using the same indicators and a special program, the user has the opportunity to find out the CPU load and temperature at any time. The CPU Monitor application does an excellent job of diagnosing the processor. To check, just install and run this utility. The required information will be displayed in the window that opens.

If the CPU temperature is off the charts and the load sensor shows 90-100%, this may indicate the following:

  • simultaneous operation of several energy-intensive programs in the background;
  • severe clogging of internal and RAM memory;
  • exposure to malware.


Surprisingly, the networks that provide us with communications also affect our battery power. Meizu quickly discharges, turning on the transmitter in the smartphone to the fullest in order to catch a signal from the tower even in the most remote places from civilization. Frequent changes in network mode, for example, from 3G to LTE and back, also take a toll on the battery. The same problems can occur with Wi-Fi, although they are much easier to solve. In the case of network modes, you will need to contact your cellular operator about improving the quality of this very connection.

Incorrect operating system configuration

If the Meizu M5 Note was purchased recently, then problems with accelerated discharge will most likely be associated not with the battery itself, but with incorrect settings or malfunctions of Android. In this case, it is worth trying to change some operating system parameters:

  1. Reduce screen brightness. The display in smartphones is one of the main consumers of energy. When operating at maximum brightness, the battery will drain much faster. To save charge, you need to lower the brightness level or enable adaptive control.
  2. Disable unnecessary connections. GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Mobile Internet modules consume a lot of power. Therefore, if you do not want the battery to drain quickly, it is better to turn them off when not needed.
  3. Change the coverage type. In areas of poor network reception, Meizu will constantly search for the best point to connect. Because of this, the batteries also discharge quickly. If coverage is poor, it is recommended to use 2G or 3G switching type.

If the battery on Meiza quickly runs out, it would not be a bad idea to try activating the economical operating mode on it. This can be done through the Battery Doctor program:

  1. Download this utility to your smartphone.
  2. Launch it and click “Optimize” in the initial window, thereby closing background applications.
  3. Go to the "Economy Mode" section and select one of the proposed profiles.

Tips for keeping your battery charged

  • Power banks are simply a salvation for people with gadgets equipped with weak batteries. High-quality external batteries are, of course, not cheap, but the thing itself is multifunctional and can be useful in other situations. And on the market you can always find a power bank that is suitable in terms of parameters and price.
  • If the battery dies almost instantly, you need to replace the battery.
  • Specialized software is also an assistant in identifying battery “parasites”. One such program is Wakelock Detector. The application is very useful, updates are frequent, but it requires root rights to work. Fully charge your phone and leave it alone for a few hours. The application will tell you in detail about background applications and other processes that consume smartphone power.
  • As a last resort, you can use a full reset. But it will not help if the root of the problem is in the crooked firmware. Only a complete flashing will help here. Just remember - such actions will void your warranty, i.e. In the event of a breakdown, you will not be able to contact the service center for help for free.

This article is relevant for smartphones Meizu M5c, M6, M6 Note and M6 Note 3, Pro 7 and Pro 7 Plus, M5s, M5 and M5 Note, Pro 6, Pro 6s and Pro 6 Plus, U10 and Meizu U20, M3 Note, M3 Max, M3s, M3E, MX6, MX5.

Reasons for the accelerated discharge of Meizu smartphones

It's no secret that the Android OS is battery-hungry. To extend autonomy, almost all Meizu are equipped with good batteries, the capacity of which is enough for several days of moderate use. However, if your Meizu M3 Note with a 4100 mAh battery or M5 Note with a 4000 mAh battery needs to be recharged daily, most likely there is a malfunction in their operation.

Meizu batteries can discharge quickly for the following reasons:

  • as a result of a decrease in the capacity of the power supply element;
  • due to incorrect OS settings;
  • through a software glitch.

Let's look at each case in more detail.

Prevention measures

In order for the phone to function without interruption for a long time, it is necessary to monitor its operation. The user adjusts the battery charge. It is best to roughly calculate how long the charge lasts. Changing the screen brightness will help reduce power consumption.

Do not allow the device to overheat. Large loads lead to failure. You shouldn't use your phone in the cold. Regularly checking applications will help control battery consumption. The user can see which programs take the most interest.


Overheating can cause not only problems with a comfortable pastime when your hands are protected, but also damage the smartphone itself, since excessive overheating can damage both the processor itself and neighboring components. In this case, the service center will not always help, since repairing a smartphone will cost almost the same amount as a new device or even more (since the work also costs money). The least that can happen when overheating is spontaneous shutdowns or reboots. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but what can you do? It’s a pity, of course, only for the money that was spent on a device designed by crooked engineers who built such a “rotten” project, and the technical process into the same deck.

Checking Meizu battery with a multimeter

For smartphones with removable back covers, there is another way to check the performance of the battery. You will need a regular multimeter, even a pointer one will do.

Technical information is printed on the body of each “native” mobile phone battery. As a rule, this is the creation date, the basic amount of charge when fully charged, and other data.

Now you need to find 1 item among this information - the number of volts when fully charged. For example, if the Meizu battery is fully charged, the multimeter should show 3.7 volts. If the error differs by a couple of tenths, it’s not a big deal. But if the multimeter shows 2.1 volts, that is, a significant part of the charge is missing, then the battery must be replaced.

To measure the number of volts during an error:

  1. It is necessary to remove the battery from the smartphone;
  2. Switch the meter to detect volts and place one probe against the middle contact on the battery;

    Place the probe against the battery contact

  3. Place the second probe against the extreme contact. If you mix up the polarities, the device will show incorrect data. Try changing your test contacts.

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