How to increase microphone sensitivity on Huawei Honor?

Most modern mobile phones and smartphones, and some models of tablet computers, operate on a pre-installed Android operating system. Increasing the microphone volume on Android is done through a special menu and depends on the type of device, manufacturer and OS version. Operating system modifications from 1.0 to 7.1 are considered obsolete. The current versions are considered to be 8.0-9.0 and the latest development 10.0.

How to check the microphone on your phone

In this situation, an application such as skype can help perfectly. Having previously installed it, you must perform the following steps in the specified sequence:

  • First you need to open the program, and then select any contact. This is done using a special button.

REFERENCE. It may be that there is no one to call. There is a special built-in service for this called “echo”. It is intended, accordingly, to check communications.

  • Thus, when calling the service described above, you should say a few phrases. They will be directly forwarded to your device - cell phone. Therefore, it is possible to monitor the performance of the product.

In addition, you can use other means of obtaining information. For example, this could be a regular call to a friend via cell phone. When establishing a connection, it is advisable to ask a question, the content of which will be close to the pressing problem.
It is also possible to use the sound recording for the desired purposes. To do this, you need to open the built-in application where you can record using your own voice. And then listen to the resulting material. If nothing is heard, then the result is, accordingly, negative - the microphone is really not ready for a full-fledged work process. The same can be done with video recording. After listening to a pre-recorded video, you need to pay attention to the sound. If there is a malfunction, you will directly detect its absence.

Method 3: Replacing the microphone

The most complex and expensive, but guaranteed to work method is to replace the microphone with a more powerful or higher quality one. The component itself and the work are inexpensive, so we recommend contacting a service center.

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Changing sensitivity through the engineering menu

Before increasing the sensitivity of the spoken microphone of an Android device through the engineering menu, it is recommended to write down each step, as well as the normal value parameters on a piece of paper. If your manipulations do not have an effect, you can always return to the standard settings.

The first stage is calling the engineering menu itself. To do this, activate the dialing menu, and then enter the following combinations:

If your phone number is not here, then simply enter the model into the search and find out the unique code to enter.

After getting into the engineering menu, familiarize yourself with its interface and the settings it provides. The external design may vary on different phone models, but the general structure and changeable parameters are the same everywhere. Go to the "Audio" section.

All sorts of audio settings will open before you. Let's figure out what each of them is responsible for:

  • Normal Mode – active mode parameters (no audio devices are connected to the phone);
  • Headset Mode – parameters when turning on a headset or external speakers;
  • LoudSpeaker Mode – speakerphone settings. Activated when switching to speakerphone during a conversation;
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode – combination of a loudspeaker with connected headphones. Activated when the speakerphone is turned on after connecting to any external audio device;
  • Speech Enchancement is active during a normal conversation on a smartphone (it is not connected to anything, and is not in speaker mode);
  • Debug Info – data on restoring a backup copy;
  • Speech Logger – recording conversation logs;
  • Audio Logger – built-in software for sound recording with support for search, quick launch and saving.

It is better not to go into the last three sections. Their purpose is not entirely clear, and accidentally changing any settings can lead to a system crash or malfunction of the phone. Other modes offer a wide variety of audio options that are not available in the regular menu. When you click on any of the sections, the following characteristics will open to you:

These values ​​are deciphered as follows:

  • Sip – parameters of online calls;
  • Mic – change the conversation microphone settings;
  • Sph, Sph2 – settings of the main and additional speaker;
  • Sid – changing these parameters may result in the phone call being garbled. You will hear yourself instead of the person you dialed. It's better not to touch;
  • Media – playback volume of media files;
  • Ring – parameters of incoming calls;
  • FMR – radio playback level parameters.

If you go to one of these sections, the settings menu will open directly. The first point is changing the volume (or sensitivity) of the audio device (Level). In total, you can select seven different levels of this parameter. Thus, Level 0 will be considered the lowest sound level, and Level 6 will be the maximum. Each of these indicators can be fine-tuned using the Value function. It reflects the sound level (or sensitivity) specifically for the selected Level value. The parameter ranges from 0 to 255. To change it, you need to remove the previous value, add your own and press the “Set” key.

It is not recommended to use maximum settings. Operating any audio device to the limit can lead to rapid wear and tear.

At the very bottom is the Max Vol parameter. (0 – 172). This is the maximum level of operation of the audio device; it remains constant when the Level characteristic changes.

Having familiarized ourselves with the work of the engineering menu in theory, let's move on to practice. To increase the sensitivity of the microphone while talking on an Android device, use the following algorithm:

  1. Go to the engineering menu, and then select the “Audio” section.
  2. Go to the “Normal Mode” subsection, and in it – to “Mic”.
  3. For best results, set all Level values ​​to the same Value (for example, 235).
  4. Confirm your selection by pressing the Set key. This will save the entered settings in the phone's memory.

Many people may not be satisfied with the sensitivity of the microphone when recording sound with a voice recorder or recording video. To fix this, follow these steps sequentially:

  1. In the engineering menu, click on the “Audio” tab.
  2. Select "LoudSpeaker Mode", and in it - "Mic".
  3. Raise the Value at all audio levels. Adjust the sensitivity to achieve the desired audio capture volume.
  4. Save the parameters by clicking on the “Set” button.

Don’t forget to press the “Set” button to save, otherwise your command will not appear in the phone’s memory. Many devices also require a reboot of the Android OS for the changes to take effect.

How to increase microphone sensitivity and volume on Android

How can I maximize the microphone sensitivity on my device?

Microphone settings must be done very carefully, since the device's hardware does not always support new settings. After changing them, the smartphone may work worse, and some functions will stop working altogether.

There are 2 ways to increase the microphone sensitivity on Android - through the service menu and using applications. The first option is better, since it does not require installation of additional programs.

To set up the microphone you need:

  • open the service menu - dial numbers and symbols as when making a call, the combination depends on the manufacturer and model of the device;
  • open the “audio” and “normal mod” sections;

  • tap on “Type” - these are volume settings and select “Mic” - microphone adjustment;

    then click on the “Level” item, select the sixth level, opposite the line “Value is 0”

225" enter 64, save with the "Set" button and confirm with "ok";

  • set the maximum value in the “Max vol” column, you need to find it on the Internet, since it is different for each device;
  • exit the service menu using the back button.

The level items are the amount by which the volume changes with one press of the sound control carriage; their values ​​must be the same.

A note about the service menu - if you couldn’t turn it on using numbers, you can download the Mobileuncle Tools application. After installation you need:

  • open it;
  • grant superuser rights;
  • click “engineer mode”;
  • The service menu will open.

The values ​​can be changed after checking the microphone if it is wheezing or quiet.

How to enable microphone on Honor and Huawei?

The question of how to enable the microphone on Honor and Huawei does not make sense, since it is enabled by default. But the user could:

  • disable it in the settings of various programs and applications;
  • drop your smartphone into water;
  • Do not clean the device from dust and dirt for a long time;
  • The update was installed incorrectly.

Also, sometimes troubles are caused by malfunctions or errors by developers who created a low-quality update, due to which some of the smartphone’s functions do not work. Other causes of problems are extremely rare.

How to hide an application on Honor and Huawei smartphones

Online Voice Recorder

The online microphone on Online Voice Recorder is not just a test, but a whole voice recorder with functions for trimming recordings and adjusting volume settings. How to check if the recording is working: follow the link and click on the green button with a triangle. Say a few words out loud and stop the recording by pressing the square. Now start listening, if your sounds are repeated in headphones or speakers - the microphone on the computer is working properly.

Don't forget to select the correct audio device in the settings using the "Change" button before recording. If you are not sure you did it correctly, click on “Record again” and change the default settings.

Reasons for microphone failure

This kind of problem happens quite often. Typically the causes of microphone problems are:

  1. Poor mobile phone quality.
  2. The microphone hole is dirty or unsuccessful.
  3. Noise reduction on the phone is not working correctly.
  4. Broken microphone.
  5. Software errors.

By the way, sometimes the microphone on the phone stops working for a completely banal reason - during a conversation, users accidentally press the microphone mute button on the phone screen with their cheek. So, pay attention to whether this function is activated or not.

Reasons why it doesn't work

To begin with, we will give a number of reasons why the microphone does not work in Honor 10, and what may cause such a problem. The main breakdowns include:

  1. Moisture getting inside the product.
  2. Fall and, accordingly, mechanical damage. As a result, the part itself or the soldering is damaged.
  3. Outlet contamination.
  4. Inaccurate cleaning with a needle.
  5. Software glitch.

These are the basic reasons why the microphone does not work in Honor 7a or other models. Knowing them, you can decide on further steps. It's easiest when the question concerns software, and worse when it comes to a technical malfunction. In the latter cases, it is impossible to do without involving service center employees.

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