How to restart fitness bracelet xiaomi mi band 2, 3, 4, 5

Is it possible to reboot Mi Band

A reboot involves a complete reset. The manufacturer did not provide a conventional method for this , but experts have long offered unknowing users several effective reboot options.

It happens that the Mi Band 2 stops working for no reason, so the bracelet needs to be rebooted. Simply holding the button on the capsule and holding it for 5-10 seconds, as is done on phones, tablets, laptops and other electronics, will not achieve the desired result. But two applications are ready to help - the official Mi Fit and Diagnostic. If they cannot be used to solve the problem or there is simply no phone nearby, you can try rebooting without these programs.

Mi Band keeps rebooting

A failure like this doesn't happen very often. Users should not panic. You need to determine the cause of the problem:

  1. Low battery charge. When the battery life drops below 10%, bugs may occur, including cyclic reboots. The simplest solution is to monitor the charge level.
  2. Synchronization with Mi Fir or another application compatible with Mi Band is broken. In this case, you should use a reboot through the application - disconnect the tracker from the smartphone and synchronize again.
  3. Incorrect firmware. The problem may occur after an unsuccessful update via Diagnostic. Here, only a specialist can determine the exact cause of the failure. To eliminate the defect, it is recommended to contact a service center so as not to aggravate the problem by independent actions.

Minor system failures of the tracker can be resolved by resetting to factory settings. Although the manufacturer did not provide a function to roll back to the original settings on early versions of Mi Band smart bracelets, in most cases the user can solve the problem on his own.

Reboot via Mi Fit app

First of all, you should try Mi Fit program . This will help solve the problem with the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 watch quickly and without negative consequences for the gadget itself.

At the first stage, the bracelet needs to be tied to the profile. If this has already been done previously, you should launch the application and log in. Next you need to do the following:

  • select a tracker (click on the name);
  • click “Unpair” or “Unpair”;
  • restart the application;
  • log into your profile in Mi Fit;
  • tie a bracelet to it.

Immediately after performing these actions, the tracker will vibrate. This means the reboot was successful.

Reboot through the Diagnostic program

If the bracelet froze after the last update, and along with it the official application stopped functioning fully (or the profile password was lost), you can use the Diagnostic . It will help you change the MAC address , after which Mi Fit will recognize the tracker as a completely new device.

To do this, you need to strictly follow the instructions:

  1. Install the Diagnostic application.
  2. Turn on Bluetooth and wait for the bracelet to search.
  3. Select the desired device from the list (Mi Band 2).
  4. Select the “ Restore factory settings ” button.
  5. Confirm the action by pressing the button on the watch.

After this, the MAC address will change, and along with it, the previously set settings will be reset.

What to do if there is a shutdown

In most cases, the problem is hidden in an unstable Bluetooth connection or due to the operating characteristics of specific smartphone models.

Reconnecting bluetooth

First of all, it is desirable to eliminate the possibility of errors in the interaction of two devices. To do this, you need to remove Mi Band 4 from the list of paired devices, and then add it again. You can find out more about how bluetooth works here.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Launch the Mi Fit application and go to the profile tab.
  2. Click on the name of the bracelet, in the tab that opens, scroll to the very bottom and click “Disable”.
  3. Then it is advisable to restart Bluetooth on the phone.
  4. We re-add the device in the application according to the standard scheme.

In most cases, if the Mi Band 4 disconnects from the phone, such manipulations will fix the problem.

Factory reset

If there are constant disconnections, you can try to restore the original settings of the fitness bracelet. To do this, all actions must be performed on the gadget itself:

  1. In the main menu, select the “Advanced” section.
  2. Scroll to the “Settings” item and click on it.
  3. In the menu that opens, find the “Reset settings” item and launch it.
  4. After a short time, it will be reset to the original factory settings.
  5. Finally, we connect the Mi Band tracker to the phone, just like the first time.

Reset settings in Mi Band 4

Reset settings - confirmation

The bracelet needs to be charged

Owners of the gadget noticed that Mi Band 4 constantly disconnects from the phone if its charge level is less than 15%. This problem does not happen to everyone, but many people complain about it.

The solution here is absolutely simple - charge the fitness bracelet to the maximum (or at least to above 15%). The connection should be restored automatically.

How to reboot Mi Band 2 without phone

If you don’t have a mobile device with the application on hand, don’t be upset. In this case, a “hard reboot” will come to the rescue. It is not as safe as the two previous methods, but you can take the risk.

The most common ways to reboot a fitness bracelet without your smartphone are:

  • freezing;
  • discharge;
  • flashing.

Please note that you carry out all manipulations with the tracker at your own peril and risk! The author is not responsible for your actions.


Until users gained access to the Diagnostic application, they solved problems with the Xiaomi bracelet by freezing it. place the gadget in the freezer overnight . In such “extreme conditions” the device is able to turn itself off and reset the settings.

The next morning, the watch should be taken out, defrosted and connected to the charger. As a result, there is a chance to get a new device, almost like “from a store.”

Remember that there is a risk of getting a faulty tracker instead of a working one. Use this method as a last resort!

a positive result in 99% of cases , which is confirmed by numerous reviews from owners.


The second effective method of solving the problem is to completely discharge the Mi Band, that is, bringing the battery state to 0%. This can be done easily, but not very quickly, since the battery charge lasts about 21 days. If the battery is not fully charged, the duration of the process is reduced.

You just need to put the bracelet aside and not use it, waiting for it to completely discharge. As soon as the charge reaches 0%, it should be connected to power and wait until it reaches 100% .


This method is effective in all cases - if the OS freezes on the computer and nothing can be done, it is reinstalled. In the case of the Xiaomi bracelet, the situation is exactly the same.

Users think about flashing the device whenever there is a problem.

There are special applications for this procedure: Mi heart rate, Gadgetbridge, Mi Band Master and others.

If you don’t have your own smartphone, you can use a friend’s device, since there is nothing complicated in connecting the bracelet to the phone, and the entire reboot process will take no more than 10 minutes.

But this method is very dangerous for functionality. When flashing, an unknowing user may perform some action incorrectly or skip it altogether; moreover, no one guarantees the normal quality of the firmware. A more profitable and safer option would be to describe your problem in the comments and wait for a response from the author, because specific cases with details are much easier to resolve.

What to do if it's charging but won't turn on

The situation when the tracker takes a charge, but the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 does not turn on, does not occur often, but some users note this feature of the bracelet. The fact is that it is impossible to turn off the bracelet; it comes already on and is in operating mode constantly as long as there is battery charge. You cannot turn off the bracelet, and holding the button for a long time will not bring results.

Therefore, the only reason for a dark display during successful charging is insufficient battery activity. In such cases, service center consultants advise users to increase the length of time the tracker remains connected to the power supply. The cooling tip is also popular online, with many users reporting its effectiveness.

Additionally, if enough time has passed and the Mi Band 2 does not turn on, then the cause of the breakdown lies in a faulty display. The only way out is to immediately seek help from service professionals.

Doesn't turn on after discharge

To check the health of the battery, it must be connected to the charging unit. This can be done using a USB cable that connects to a smartphone or laptop. If the battery is working properly, a charge indicator will appear on the display and after a couple of hours the tracker will be ready for use.

If this does not happen, it is recommended to carry out a number of actions that will help determine the reason why the Mi Band 2 does not turn on after being discharged:

  1. If the battery has simply fallen into a state of complete discharge, it is enough to simply leave it connected to the power source for a long period of time. In most cases, Mi Band 2 does not turn on for the first few hours, but after a night spent near the smartphone, the bracelet comes to life, starting to function normally
  2. If the display is broken, a few tips will help you figure it out: The first option is to connect the tracker to your smartphone using the official application. The device will vibrate to indicate it is ready for use. There are times when charging has nothing to do with it and it’s all about the marriage. A bracelet of poor quality is not able to display a bright image on the screen. Then return and exchange is the best option. The second tip is to connect the bracelet to your laptop.
  3. The gadget is faulty - a warranty case, which gives the buyer the right to contact the seller demanding a replacement or refund for the faulty product. Except for those actions that occurred due to the fault of the buyer.

Charges but won't turn on

The bracelet's charge level is 100%, but it refuses to respond to the press of a button and greets its owner with a dark screen? A common problem that can be solved without the help of a service department, unless of course the reason is that the tracker was broken or drowned.

The reason for a dark display when the battery is full may lie in the firmware. The algorithm of actions in this case will look like this:

  1. Unlink the bracelet from the application.
  2. Remove Mi Fit.
  3. Download the application again.
  4. After downloading, the tracker will update the firmware.
  5. Enable search

Usually, after completing the actions, mi band 2 resumes operation as usual.

Bracelet display does not turn on

The display of Mi Band 2 is touchscreen. The bracelet has one button, which is needed to confirm the completion of operations. If the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 display does not turn on, you need to understand the reasons. This behavior could have been preceded by the following events:

  1. Water – performance may be compromised due to prolonged contact with water. As a result, the boards oxidized. Service staff can correct the situation. You can try to negotiate with the seller about a replacement
  2. Falls and other mechanical impacts - gadget owners say that it was after falls or impacts that the screen stopped working. Dust and other contaminants may also be the cause. Vibration signals and synchronization with the smartphone are fine, but the time and other information are not displayed.

Fitness bracelet is discharged and does not turn on

A completely discharged Mi Band 2 does not turn on, which means it’s time to connect the charger. It happens that charging does not start immediately or does not reach a hundred percent charge after the usual two hours. The reason is that manufacturers do not advise bringing the battery to 0% and starting to recharge the battery from a minimum of 15%. But if this happens, then you need to prepare for the non-standard behavior of the gadget.

It will take longer to charge than usual and may take the whole night. Afterwards the bracelet should turn on. If this does not happen, the reason lies in the breakdown of the tracker. Contacting specialists will be the best decision.

Mi Band 2 won't turn on or charge

Reasons for failure:

  1. Water – the level of protection does not allow the device to be irresponsibly subjected to water testing. It's best to take it off before you go swimming.
  2. Impact – falls, pressure, impacts are the most common causes of device malfunction. Any mechanical impact can cause damage. The display is the most vulnerable part.

The fact that the fitness tracker does not turn on may be the fault of the manufacturer or the user. In any case, it is possible to correct the situation and achieve normal functioning with a responsible and attentive approach to problems of various natures.

Doesn't turn on after flashing

Most owners of the Mi Bend2 tracker begin flashing the firmware after purchasing the gadget. The Russian version is more convenient to use, the update provides many more features and expands functionality. There are several ways to reflash the bracelet and it only takes 15 minutes. After the update, it may happen that the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 does not turn on. What to do in this case? Most often, the problem can be solved by simply unlinking the bracelet from the application and reconnecting it to the smartphone. Another option is to simply restart the phone.

If there is an error or the system freezes, the device may turn off, but this issue can be easily resolved. If you follow the steps of the instructions, the gadget charges perfectly, works and does not crash.


Which method is the safest?

The most reliable way is to reboot using the official Mi Fit application.

What to do if Mi Band 2 freezes and says that you need to connect to the application?

The first step is to remove the program from your phone and then install it again. If the problem is resolved, you will have to reboot the device using the methods listed in the article.

How can I speed up the discharge process?

To do this, just turn on all notifications, display backlight and other features.
Answering the question of how you can reboot the Mi Band, it is worth saying that this function was not officially provided by the manufacturer. The methods provided in the article are effective, but do not always work. Therefore, it is likely that the user will have to try several techniques to get the desired result without harming the gadget.

You will have to spend a lot of time rebooting (from 5 minutes for flashing to several days for the battery to drain), but doing it on your own is much better than purchasing a new model.

Battery problems

Problems with the battery also occupy an important place, since they occur quite often, causing a lot of trouble to the user. Most often, people complain that the device does not turn on after charging. It is important to keep in mind here that a working tracker automatically turns off at the end of the charging process, and in the case of a damaged battery, the device refuses to respond to the owner’s commands. Only service center technicians can help replace a dead battery, but you can check its functionality yourself. For this you will need:

  1. Place the capsule in the freezer for a few minutes.
  2. After the battery is discharged, move the gadget to room temperature.
  3. After 15 minutes, connect the tracker to the charger.

If after these steps the charging icon appears on the watch screen, the battery is working. Otherwise, the only way out is to contact the service.

If a battery failure has been detected in the new Mi Band 4, it is advisable to try to return the product to the seller and demand a replacement for a working device.

Next, let's consider a situation where the fitness tracker is discharged and does not turn on, without reacting in any way to touching the screen. Here you should send the capsule to the appropriate slot in the usual way and connect it to the PC to replenish the charge. If the gadget does not charge after 1-2 minutes , a deep discharge occurs (staying in a discharged state for a long time). This problem is typical for the fourth generation of Mi Bend, so there is nothing particularly surprising here. And the solution is simple - the device should be left connected to the network for a day, after which it should charge and continue to function at a normal pace.

The third common case is that the device is charging, but does not turn on. If such a problem occurs, you should not worry, since all components of the capsule are in good working order. Two methods will help resolve the situation - increasing the charging time (up to 24 hours) and cooling the device (as described above in the case of a freezer, or by placing it on the windowsill overnight during the cold season).

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