How to send a message in Huawei and honor phones: setting up sms

What is a mobile phone mainly used for? For making calls and sending messages. Therefore, if SMS is not sent from the phone, this automatically limits the most important part of the functionality of the equipment. And you need to quickly find a solution to the problem.

In this article, we will look at a situation where it is impossible to send a message from mobile devices manufactured under the Honor or Huawei brands. Considering that they run on the Android OS, our recommendations will also be suitable for owners of other smartphones with a similar system.

We use the SMS Backup&Restore application

With this application it is possible to create a backup copy of any data that the user gives access to.
To do this, you need to go to Google Play and find the tool in the search. Once installed and you have access to all the necessary data, you can create a backup copy.

Creating a Backup

If the user has not previously saved any copies, the app's workspace will show how much messages and call data is on the device and what can be copied.

After that, you can choose what exactly you want to copy. To create a copy of messages, leave the “SMS messages” checkbox.

Next, you need to select a location to save the backup. Since further transfer is planned to another smartphone, it is best to select “In phone” in order to then very quickly transfer the copy file to the device through the same application. If the transfer is planned in a different way, choose the appropriate one.

  • How to recover if you deleted an SMS on your Android phone

Next, you can mark the archiving plan, which is necessary if there is a threat of memory loss on the phone. The optimal option is “Weekly”. After selecting the appropriate option, click “Archive Now”. The process has begun.

Restoring from the created database

For data recovery on another device to be successful, you need to install the same application on it and make sure it is connected to the wireless Internet. When this is done, the message file should be transferred.

To transfer archived files saved on your phone, you need to go to the side menu and select “Transfer”. You will need a local “SMSBackupRestore” folder, which the application created automatically during the backup process. In this way it is possible to transfer a copy of SMS messages to the selected device

It is important that it is connected to Wi-Fi

After this, the process of restoring the archived data on the required phone begins:

First, find the “Restore” column in the side menu. After this, the application will give you a choice of one of the copies of the files. At the moment she is alone.

  • Imessage: what is it on iPhone

Next, click on “Recover” and receive a package of recovered data. After the process is completed, you can delete the application; this will not affect the memory status on the new device.

SMS via the operator's website

In most cases, a special service is perfect, which is presented on the official website of most well-known mobile operators. This method is suitable for those who currently do not have access to their phone, but have an account on their operator’s website. However, each such service has its own functionality and it is not always enough to have a pre-created account.


If your operator is MTS, then registering a personal account is not required. But it's not that simple. The fact is that although it is not necessary to have a ready-made account on the operator’s website, it is necessary to have a phone nearby with an installed MTS SIM card.

To send a message using the official MTS website, you will need to enter the mobile phone numbers of the sender and recipient, as well as the SMS text itself. The maximum length of such a message is 140 characters, and it is completely free. After entering all the necessary data, a confirmation code will be sent to the sender’s number, without which it is impossible to complete the process.

In addition to standard SMS, the site has the ability to send MMS. It's also completely free. Messages can only be sent to MTS subscriber numbers.

Plus, it is possible to download a special program that also allows you to perform all the above steps without visiting the company’s official website. However, in this case, messages will no longer be free and their cost will be calculated based on your tariff plan.


As in the case of MTS, subscribers of the Megafon operator do not need to have a registered personal account on the official website to send a message from a computer. However, again, you must have a phone with an activated company SIM card at hand. In this regard, this method is not entirely practical, but for some cases it is still suitable.

Enter the mobile number of the sender, recipient and message text. After that, enter the confirmation code sent to the first number. Message sent. As in the case of MTS, this process does not require financial costs from the user.

Unlike the service on the MTS website, the competitor does not have the function of sending MMS.

  • Connecting SMS packages to MTS


The most convenient of the services presented above is Beeline. However, it is suitable only in cases where the recipient of the message is a subscriber of a given operator. Unlike MTS and Megafon, here it is enough to indicate only the recipient’s number. That is, it is not at all necessary to have a mobile phone at hand.

After entering all the necessary data, the message will be sent immediately without additional confirmation. The cost of this service is zero.


The service on the TELE2 website is as simple as in the case of Beeline. All you need is a mobile phone number belonging to TELE2 and, of course, the text of the future message.

If you need to send more than 1 message, this service may not be suitable. This is due to the fact that special protection is installed here, which does not allow sending many SMS from one IP address.

Fixing the problem with a normal reboot

If your mobile gadget stops receiving messages completely unexpectedly, make assumptions that the reason for this was a random error associated with a system process. Such a failure can be eliminated by a standard reboot of the mobile gadget. Reconfiguring data and processes is a good prevention against possible errors with messages not being accepted.

See also: Huawei Russian office: timing for updating devices to EMUI 11

Automatically shutting down all applications that are currently running - this is important for those users who do not have the habit of closing them after completing a usage session.

How to send SMS to Megafon for free from a computer

On the official website of the mobile operator Megafon there is a special form for sending free SMS messages.

  1. In the “Your phone number” field, enter your phone number in the MegaFon cellular network.
  2. In the “Recipient's phone number” field, enter the phone number of the MegaFon subscriber to whom you want to send the message.
  3. In the “Message text” field, write a message.
  4. Click on the "Submit" button.

  1. On the next page, you must enter the confirmation code in a special field sent to the sender’s number of the SMS message.
  2. After entering the code, click on the “Next” button, the message will be sent to the recipient.

How to send SMS from Huawei and Honor smartphones?

It’s not difficult to figure out how to write a message on a Huawei or Honor phone. To send SMS you can:

  1. open contacts;
  2. select the recipient of the letter and click on him;
  3. wait for the list of available actions to appear;
  4. click on the item mentioning sms;
  5. after which all you have to do is write a letter and click on the send button.

There is a second method that allows you to send messages through the section of the same name. To do this you will need:

  1. enter “messages”;
  2. select the item prompting you to start a chat;
  3. indicate the recipient and the SIM card from which the letter will be sent (if there are 2 of them);
  4. write text;
  5. send a message.

It is important to emphasize that if difficulties arise with sending, you should think about why this is happening and check that the recipient’s phone number is entered correctly, make sure there is money on the SIM card balance, and check the accuracy of the SMS center number. Typically, such actions help to find the cause of the difficulties and restore the function.

How to send SMS from iPhone

The user can configure the iMessage application so that regular SMS messages are automatically sent when there is no Internet. To do this, go to the settings, here you need to select the “Send as SMS” section. Next, you need to set the slider to the active position so that in the absence of the Internet, messages are sent as regular text messages.

Sending an SMS message from an iPhone is very easy, you should follow these instructions:

  • Open the Messages application;
  • Click on the paper icon with a pen to write a new message or select a conversation that is already in the list;
  • Press your finger on the text field at the bottom of the page and enter text;
  • Click on the arrow to send a message.

If necessary, you can quickly write a response to an SMS message even from a locked screen. This is done like this:

  • On the locked screen, click on the notification you want to respond to;
  • Enter your message in the text field;
  • Click on the arrow to send.

If you are the owner of an iPhone X or newer model, or an iPad with Face ID and you can’t respond to a message from the lock screen, you need to go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode and turn on Reply with Message. If you have an iPhone 8 or later, or an iPad, go to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode > Lock Screen Access and turn on Reply with Message.

Working with phone settings

If the steps described above did not give a positive result, then we proceed to adjusting and checking the parameters set for the mobile phone:

  • Through the settings, go to the “Applications” section. It's in "default applications". Select the subsection responsible for the message. We activate the application, which is initially included in the standard set of your mobile phone;
  • We return through settings to applications. We go to the section with the same name. Select “Messages”, then “Memory”, click on reset;
  • When using two SIM cards at the same time and trying to send or receive SMS to the second one, go to the settings of the first one and deactivate the VoLTE function. It can cause a conflict between two active cards;

  • Try sending the SMS message again. But there is no need to try to do this with something that has already been created. It is recommended to completely delete it and create a new one;
  • If an error occurs during the sending process, you need to press your finger on it until the “More” menu appears. Go into details there. Find out the error code. After this, you can call the operator’s representatives, transmit information and act on the basis of the recommendations received;
  • Contact the operator and get correct information about the number of the so-called SMS center. After that, go to “System” through the settings. Click on “About phone”. Through the general information menu, go to “Network” and check whether the SMS center number is set correctly. If not, then correct it.

How to send a message to yourself on VKontakte on a PC

Many people still use computers to log into social networks. If you are one of them, then you need to know how to send a message to your profile from your computer.

Let's consider several options.

Via messages

The easiest way is to write to yourself on VK using the messages section. This is done like this:

  • Log in to your VK profile and in the left column click on Messages.
  • Enter your name in the search bar.
  • Click on the profile line. Information appears that the correspondence history will be displayed here.
  • Write and send any message.

In the future, you can leave the conversation with yourself for the future or clear the history. In the latter case, click on the three dots next to the avatar and select the appropriate item. After this, the information field should be cleared.

Via ID

This method is even faster, but to implement it you need to know the ID. This is a personal code that is assigned to each user.

For information, log in to VKontakte and go to the My Page section. There, the URL line contains the necessary numbers after the ID. They are exactly what is needed.

Further step-by-step instructions look like this:

  1. Log in to VK and log in.
  2. EnterХХХХХХХ into the search bar, where ХХХХХХХХ is your personal ID.
  3. In the field that appears, write a message to yourself.

This method essentially duplicates the method discussed above. The difference is that you are immediately taken to the page you need. In the future, the URL can be saved as favorites and followed by it whenever the need arises.

With the help of friends

Another way is to use the “help” of friends. This method is the longest, but it works and can be an alternative to the solutions discussed above (if they suddenly stop working).

Instructions for action:

  • Log in to VK and log in.
  • In the left menu, find the Friends block and go to it.
  • Log in to the page of any of your friends.
  • Click on the Friends button (your friend is a subscriber).
  • Find yourself through search.
  • To the right of your photo, click on the Write a message button.

If everything is done correctly, a dialog box opens allowing you to send a “letter” to yourself. Here you can write text, add photos, videos, sound and other information. At the same time, you can be sure that the entered data will be saved in the memory of the social network.

Through conversation

There is another tricky option for sending a message to yourself on VKontakte. The method is suitable for users who need to save useful information. Its advantage is that you can make several separate correspondence with yourself, and then sort them by topic.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Log in to VK and log in.
  2. Go to the Messages section at the top right.
  3. Click on the “plus” button in the search bar (located on the right side). This is necessary to start a conversation.
  4. Select any two friends and click on the “Create conversation” button at the bottom.
  5. Click on the chat name, which is located at the top of the window. In this case, a menu opens.
  6. Find a list of people added to the conversation below. Click on the arrow on the right side of each of your friends and select “Exclude from conversation.”
  7. After that, you are left alone and can write whatever you want in the empty field.

For convenience, make changes to the title of the conversation. After that, click on the name and left-click in the special field. Change the title to reflect the theme of “communication.” After entering, click on the checkmark on the right side to save the information.

In the next step, upload your avatar. With its help, it is easier to find the necessary correspondence if there are many of them. Alternatively, you should upload a photo of yourself to make it clear that the information is important to you.

In a similar way, you can make several conversations in VK and give them different names. This will allow you to quickly find your notes.

Via repost

An alternative method for sending a message to yourself is to do it by reposting on VKontakte. For this:

  • Go to VK and log in.
  • Find any post on the wall.
  • Click on the Share button.
  • Select In private message.
  • In the Enter the recipient's name column, find and indicate yourself.
  • Write the required message.
  • Click on the Send button.

This method is very convenient when you need to send a comment in connection with a post.

If all SMS messages are not sent.

  1. Turn Airplane mode on and off, then try again.
  2. If your SIM card supports VoLTE (if so, the HD icon will appear in the status bar), disable VoLTE and try again.
  3. Third party SMS messaging apps may have compatibility issues. If you're using a third-party messaging app, open Settings, find and go to Default apps. In the Messages section, for the Messages parameter, select Default.

If a red icon with an exclamation mark is displayed during an error sending an SMS message, long press the message, go to More > Details, contact the operator to report the error code.

  • Insert the SIM card you are using into another working phone. If the problem is not resolved, contact your operator.
  • Screen No. 6 of the smartphone – click on the “Send message” icon.

What is an SMS gateway?

Image credit: Isaac Smith/Unsplash

An SMS gateway converts email to SMS, allowing you to send email to your phone from a PC.

Sending an email to a phone number is the same as writing any other email. All you need to know is the recipient's gateway address. If you know what mobile network they connect to, finding out their address shouldn't be a problem.

SMS gateways are usually free. But while you can send an email for free, it may still cost the person receiving the email money. SMS sent from email are no different from others in terms of cellular communications.

Problem with sending SMS to short numbers

Most often, owners of recently purchased phones that have not yet been properly configured are faced with the dysfunction of sending SMS messages to short numbers. Trying to send an SMS to a short number to activate a particular service of a mobile operator, they encounter a sending error accompanied by a red circle with an exclamation mark.

The causes of dysfunction are usually the following:

  • Blocking SMS sending to short numbers in the phone settings. This is often due to the paid functionality of short numbers. Therefore, the device manufacturer can block sending SMS to such numbers by default;
  • Incorrect settings for sending SMS messages on the phone. In particular, the operator number for processing such messages (SMS center) may be incorrectly specified;
  • Incorrect operation of the SIM card;
  • Negative balance on this phone number;
  • Random malfunction of the device;

Let's look at ways to remove the ban on short numbers and restore normal phone functionality when working with SMS. First, we will analyze the general algorithm for resolving the problem for most phones, and then we will go through the instructions for domestic operators.

How to find out the SMS center number

What an SMS center is and how to work with it is probably not known to everyone. Meanwhile, it is a point for exchanging letters between subscribers. On almost all SIM cards, regardless of the service provider and the current tariff plan, the service is configured automatically without the participation of the subscriber. But sometimes, when buying a new gadget or changing SIM cards, the settings can get lost. To make sure that the settings are saved in the smartphone without changes, it is recommended to perform the following manipulations:

  • Turn on your mobile device.
  • Open the “Settings” or “System Options” section.
  • Go to the applications page and select “SMS/MMS”.
  • When the message settings menu appears, select the “Advanced” tab.
  • In the list of available options, find “SMS Center” and tap the button.
  • The field that opens will contain the number that is relevant for the subscriber’s home region.
  • The Message Type field is set to Text, Standard, or Normal.
  • The data transmission channel is designated as “GSM”.

In some cases, users can easily receive text messages, but they cannot respond to them. To remedy the situation, you can try to select the SMS service center number manually. This identifier is stitched by the cellular operator on the SIM card. To access SMS center options you will need:

  • Open the menu and go to the “Phone” section.
  • In the input field, enter the service code *#*#4636#*#* (the combination may differ depending on the smartphone model and its manufacturer).
  • When the verification program window appears, select the “Phone Information” category.
  • On the page that opens, scroll down the list of parameters and select “SMSC”.

By default, the phone number of the SMS service should be entered here. But if there is no information in this line or the message “Update error” is displayed, it means that it is not possible to access SMS. To solve the problem, you will need to manually enter the correct number and start the update process by touching the same key with your finger.

Finally, all that remains is to reboot the device and send a test notification.

Memory full

If owners of old push-button mobile gadgets have stopped receiving messages, this indicates that the device’s memory is simply full. The fact is that such phones were created with a limit on their number. Moreover, each smartphone of this type has an individual limit, which can be 25 or 125 messages. After it is exhausted, the gadget will not receive SMS.

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A similar problem can also be resolved easily. To do this, you just need to go to the “Received messages” section and delete all or some of them. Usually, the presented list contains a “Delete All” function, which will help the user quickly resolve the problem. However, in modern devices this problem almost never happens. However, in smartphones it is also worth clearing received SMS and then clearing the cache.

To quickly receive an important message when the memory is full, the user can:

go to the SMS sending menu, delete several dialogs; Download the “Clean Master” program from the play market, which will automatically monitor the state of the memory.

After the problem is resolved, systematically check the device with a cleaning utility so that it does not happen again. To do this, run the downloaded software once every 2 weeks, selecting the appropriate message limit for cleaning in the settings.

If SMS are not sent from your phone

Message forwarding is organized through the provider's SMS center. If it is not possible to send SMS, then the most likely cause of the problem is incorrect settings. Typically, the SMS center operates automatically. As soon as the SIM card is inserted, the correct settings are entered without user intervention.

It is impossible to exclude a situation where the client himself changed the entered parameters. In this case, in order to fix the problem, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Go to the menu, then select messages.
  2. Now you need to go to the SMS settings section.
  3. After editing is selected, the SMS center number that needs to be edited will be displayed. When entering a number, please note that it must begin with “+7”. If the first digit of the entry is “8”, then the number will not work.
  4. You must enter the correct numbers and confirm your entry.

After completing this procedure, SMS operation will be restored. You can send a free text message to check. This is available to the user if the combination “000” is selected as the recipient’s phone number.

The use of SMS has become an integral part of communication. The ability to configure settings and work with messages is necessary for full use of a smartphone.

Why SMS cannot be sent on Honor and Huawei phones

The simplest thing to do in case of such a difficulty is to restart the phone. If the problem does not go away, we go through the list.

  1. Top up your mobile balance. 80% of unsent SMS are due to the fact that there are not enough funds on the phone to complete the transaction.
  2. Check that the SMS center number is correct. It often happens that the wrong message center number is specified in the settings, and then your message goes the wrong way. If inconsistencies arise, make edits manually. To do this, you need to go to settings, find the item that is responsible for this, and enter the correct number. It can be found on the official website of each operator in your region.
  3. Technical glitches on the SIM card. If the microcircuit on it has mechanical damage, the device will not read information from there.
  4. The server is too busy. This often happens on New Year's Day, when we all actively call our relatives and friends to congratulate them. The towers are powerful, but so many calls can cause failure or overload.
  5. Invalid recipient number. If you made a mistake with the number and this number does not exist, then you cannot send anything to it.
  6. The recipient's phone is not configured to receive SMS.

What to do if an Honor or Huawei phone falls into the water - how to save it?

Method 4: Removing conflicting software

Boot your smartphone into “Safe Mode”, in which only system applications work and all downloaded ones are blocked. To do this, open the “Shutdown Menu” by long pressing the physical power button of the device, then hold down the “Shutdown” icon and on the next screen confirm that the phone is booting into “Safe Mode”.

Now try sending SMS. If it works, then the reason is in some third-party application. In this case, you can remove this software one by one, starting with the one that was recently installed. This is written in more detail in another article.

Read more: How to delete applications on Android

If the recommendations do not help, check your SIM card. If possible, insert it into another device. If the problem persists, contact support to check the status. If everything works on the operator’s side, most likely the SIM card will have to be changed.

If messages are being sent from another device, then the problem is with the phone. There may be a problem with the system. In this case, you can try to reflash Android. Naturally, after such actions the phone will lose its warranty, and all responsibility for the consequences falls entirely on the user. Read more about firmware for Android devices in the following article.

Read more: How to flash an Android phone

Describe what didn't work for you. Our specialists will try to answer as quickly as possible.

How to set up SMS on Android phone

To configure, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to system applications and launch Messages.
  3. On the settings page you will need to enter the required data.
  4. Confirm entry.

After this, the entered parameters will be activated.

On the message settings page you will need to enter the following information:

  1. You need to select a form for notifying about the arrival of SMS on Android. If you want the author’s photo and basic information to be shown, then you need to check the appropriate box.
  2. Determine how to select the photo of the person who sent the message. If a photo is not available, a standard image may be assigned.
  3. The user selects whether those SMS messages that have been blocked will be shown.
  4. It is possible to report incoming messages when the lock screen is on the display.
  5. You can choose to show notifications on the curtain.
  6. If you want to make sure that the subscriber has received the message, you can activate the ability to receive a delivery report.
  7. It is determined whether there will be sound when an SMS arrives. Selecting a suitable melody is done in another section of the settings. To select the appropriate melody, go to “Sounds and vibration”.

Additionally, you need to go to the advanced settings section. The following parameters are set here:

  1. If you are sending multimedia messages, you can allow receiving a notification that the recipient has opened the MMS.
  2. When receiving someone else's MMS, it is possible to allow automatic downloading. There is an additional option to do this while roaming.
  3. You can choose the format of business cards to exchange with your interlocutors.
  4. In cases where there is a link to a page on the Internet, it is possible to make it download automatically.

You can see how I set up SMS in Android in the video:

Sometimes, in response to a call, an SMS may be sent in accordance with the selected template. If the user wants to use this feature, he must indicate this in the settings.

This can be done this way:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Go to the “Phone” section.
  3. Select "Advanced Settings".
  4. If you click on “Quick Replies”, a screen will open where you can activate the function in question. To do this, just move the toggle switch to the right.

This page contains text message templates. By clicking on one of them, you can enter your text message.

There are also settings that can be specified directly when sending SMS. By selecting the “Frequent phrases” tab, you can enter several options that will be available for quick insertion when typing SMS.

There is also the ability to schedule a time for sending a message. To do this, click on the plus sign. After this, it becomes possible to set the date and timer, where you can specify the appropriate time.

It is possible to pin SMS. If you do this, the message will appear at the beginning of the list when viewed. To do this, you need to select the one you need from the list of received SMS and then make a long press. After this, a list of possible actions will appear, from which you need to select “Pin”.

Setting the settings correctly will allow you to use SMS in the most effective way.

Pin selected emails.

How to enter the SMS center number

For each cellular operator, the SMS center is configured according to an algorithm created only by it. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the implementation of this procedure from the most popular service providers. It should be remembered that when changing the SMS center ID, you must enter the number extremely carefully, since an error in just one digit will result in messages not being sent. In addition, you should check the availability of a SIM card - it must be installed in the smartphone.


In the “Messages” section, go to the “SMS Center” tab and correctly specify the SMS management service number as the current one. This can be +79168999100 (regular) or +79168960220 (Extra).

  • Return to the settings menu and in the “Format” section set “Text”.
  • Mark the connection type as GSM.
  • If there is a checkmark next to the “Through the same center” option, it must be unchecked.

Now all that remains is to activate the “Delivery Report” function. This will allow you to control that the message has reached the recipient.

Since some models do not have this option, the service must be ordered from the operator.

Tele 2

To restore lost SMS center settings, the mobile operator Tele2 offers to use not one, but several methods at once.

  • In SMS settings, set the default number +79043490000.
  • Contact the operator at 611 (free call).

You can also use the help desk services. In St. Petersburg you need to dial +79046000600.


Subscribers of this operator can easily set up an SMS center by entering the correct number. You can do this as follows.

  • Open the general menu of the mobile gadget.
  • Select the “SMS Settings” section.
  • Find the “SMS center” item and enter the service number +792329090.
  • Save the changes by clicking the “Ok” button.

Now all that remains is to reboot the device and send a verification message. If the function still does not work, you need to contact MegaFon support; employees have checked the status of the service on this smartphone.


When you connect to this mobile operator, you do not have to configure the function of sending and receiving SMS on Android - the service is activated automatically. But to make sure that the service is active, you can send an SMS to the toll-free number “000”. If messages do not reach the subscriber, it is worth checking the correctness of the service number, which should be: +79037011111.

To restore the service you will need:

  • Open the general phone menu and select the “Messages” section.
  • Go to the “Settings” page and find “SMS Center” in the list of options.
  • Make sure that the number is indicated correctly or correct it (if an error is made).

Press the “Save” button.

As in the previous case, you need to restart the mobile gadget and send a verification message, having previously enabled the “Delivery Report” option.

Conflict with some third party applications

For owners of modern mobile gadgets, problems with receiving messages may be due to the fact that they are received by mistake not by a standard program, but by a third-party application. When downloading any application on phones running on the Android platform, there may be a slight glitch in operation.

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For everything else, to check which utility in the operating system is responsible for “Messages”, you need to go to the phone settings, find the “SMS applications” menu. After opening the function, you will see a list of applications that can receive messages. By selecting the standard “Messages” option, restart your mobile gadget.

Important information

On the support pages of the official websites of mobile operators there are recommendations that you should use first if messages from Android have stopped being sent.

  • Restart your device and try sending the message again.
  • Check if the SMS recipient number is correct. If it starts with the number 8, try entering it in the international format - using “+7”.
  • Check your balance. Perhaps there are not enough funds to send SMS. Information about the balance can be clarified during a call to the operator, in the “Personal Account” on the official website or in the mobile application.
  • If messages are not sent to a specific subscriber, make sure that you are not on his “Black List”.

How to delete a message on Android

Usually a huge number of messages come to your phone. If you leave what you don’t need, it will soon be difficult to find what you need. To avoid this situation, you need to regularly review received SMS and delete unnecessary ones.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. You need to go to “Messages”.
  2. By going to the list of received SMS, you can see their list. If messages have not been deleted for a long time, the size of the list can be impressive. You need to find one of those that needs to be removed.
  3. You need to make a long press. You need to wait until the cart image appears at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Then you need to tap on the basket. After this it will be deleted.

If you need to delete several SMS, then after the trash can appears, you need to tap on each of the unnecessary ones, and then click on the image of the trash.

The video shows how to delete messages:

The main reasons for cleaning are usually the following:

  1. I'm tired of spam from all kinds of advertising messages. What usually happens is that most of them were sent by the mobile provider.
  2. The text contains confidential information that should be kept separately and in a safe place. Therefore, the data is transferred to another location and the SMS is deleted.
  3. To make it easier to find the data that is important. At the same time, you won’t have to scroll through hundreds of unnecessary SMS messages.
  4. To avoid loading memory.

Regarding the last argument, it should be noted that it is more psychological than real. Modern smartphones have sufficient resources to save emails. It is generally believed that the message limit is limited to one thousand.

In the settings, you can specify where exactly to store received letters: on a SIM card or in the phone memory. In the first case, space is limited, in the second - practically none.

How to send a group SMS message from Huawei?

An SMS message is perhaps the most reliable way to send important information to the recipient. You can be sure that a message sent, even to a mobile gadget that is turned off or outside the network coverage area, will be delivered and read by the recipient as soon as it is online.

Researchers at the University of Kansas (in the USA) conducted their study to understand what means of communication people most often turn to for “moral support” between their family members. They found that the most effective way for communication, capable of reconciling and bringing together different generations of people within the same family, is simply SMS.

How can you quickly send just one SMS to several recipients from HUAWEI?

In fact, everything is very simple. Just like sending an SMS, only instead of one recipient you need to select several at once.

The procedure for quickly sending SMS messages to several recipients from HUAWEI.

1. Launch the “Messages” application from the Main working screen of the mobile gadget.

2. To create a new SMS message, you need to click on the “+ New message” icon at the bottom of the gadget screen.

See also: How to set up a proxy on Android?

3. In the “New message” section, in the “To” line, to enter the recipient’s address, click on the special “Contacts” icon.

4. The section for entering the recipient's address consists of 3 parts:

— Recent; - Contacts; - Groups.

Select “Contacts”.

This section contains the entire list of Contacts from the memory of your mobile gadget. By clicking on the Contact line from the list, you thereby mark it as one of the recipients of the message. In this case, a blue “tick” appears in front of each selected recipient in an empty cell.

5. After you have marked all the necessary recipients of your message, you must click on the “Check” confirmation icon in the top line of the screen on the right.

6. Now you need to type the text of the SMS message itself.

To do this, you simply click on the “SMS message” line and enter the text of the message required for sending.

7. Now we have defined the list of recipients and the text of the SMS message.

To send an SMS message, you need to click on the “Send message” icon in the form of a green triangle or airplane (whichever is more convenient) to the right of the message text.

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Click on the “Send message” icon.

The message has been sent to 2 recipients, and the message text has changed to a green background.

8. In order to check the list of SMS message recipients, you can click on the “Details” icon located at the bottom of the sent message.

Now a list of the group of SMS message recipients is displayed on your screen.

How to send SMS from Huawei and Honor smartphones

New Android owners are wondering how to write a message on an Honor or Huawei phone? Step-by-step instructions will save you from problems.

  1. At the bottom of the screen on the main desktop there is a letter icon. This is the messages section. It is similar to a paper envelope, but the design is individual and depends on the theme. Click on it.
  2. There is a plus at the bottom right; by clicking on it you create a new message.
  3. Enter the recipient's phone number at the top.
  4. In the lower field, enter the text you want to send.
  5. To the right of the field for entering content there is an arrow icon. It means "Send".

SMS notifications do not arrive on Honor and Huawei

The main reason for the lack of notifications is that the RAM is full. The phone cannot withstand such loads. We recommend that you constantly clean your downloads to avoid clogging your gadget. Another problem is the temporary lack of signal. As soon as it appears, the subscriber will receive a report on the delivered SMS.

How to send SMS from Honor and Huawei phones - this question rarely bothers users, since writing a message is one of the main functions of smartphones. As a result, mobile technology developers are trying to make it as accessible and convenient as possible. Difficulties can arise only for those who are accustomed to using the Internet and instant messengers, so writing traditional SMS becomes unusual for them. Such people are recommended to take a closer look at the basic functionality of an Android phone and use the instructions below, which describe in detail the process of sending SMS and MMS.

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Use Pulse SMS to schedule texts

To schedule texts on non-Samsung Android phones, you'll need to replace the basic Android SMS app with something like Pulse SMS.

Pulse SMS is not only one of the most attractive alternative text messaging apps available on all Android devices, it also comes with features that make it better than the stock text messaging app. While some of these features are only available when you upgrade to the premium version (which costs $10 for lifetime access), the free version includes a text planner.

You'll need to download Pulse SMS from Google Play and then set it as your default text messaging app, but once you do that, you can start scheduling messages right away. Here's how:

  • Click the orange "+" button and then select the contact you want to send to.
  • In the conversation window, click the three vertical dots icon in the top right corner, then click Snooze Message.
  • Set the date and time using the calendar interface
  • Compose your message. When you're done, click "Add" to schedule.

Messages for the Internet have all the same options as on a smartphone - sending emojis, stickers, and so on. But there are additional possibilities. For example, you can attach attachments that are located on your computer. The downside, though, is that you can't attach things that are on your phone, like photos and location data.

If you ever want to stop using your computer for texting, you don't have to log into the program from the same computer you used before. Just go to the Messages application settings on your phone and in the “Web version of messages” item, select the “End session on all devices” option.

To create messages, access them from your desktop. Messages in Android are organized in a somewhat unconventional way. There are no Inbox or Outbox directories here. Communication is displayed using dialogues. This method makes correspondence as simple and clear as possible. SMS messaging on Android is similar to chats that are used on the Internet.

In Android, the difference between SMS and MMS has been eliminated as much as possible. Now there are just messages, and the program itself decides whether to send this message via SMS or MMS. If the message is very long and exceeds four standard SMS messages, the program will automatically convert it to MMS, as it understands that usually one MMS costs less than four SMS. Also, if you need to attach a picture, melody or video (there are many options available), the message will be sent as an MMS.

On Android, you can use the SmsManager API or the built-in SMS app to send an SMS message. In this tutorial we will show you two basic examples of sending an SMS message:

Of course, both need the SEND__SMS permission.

PS This project is developed in Eclipse 3.7 and tested with Samsung Galaxy S2 (Android 2.3.3).

Educational program via SMS or how to use the SMS application

All Xiaomi smartphones have a standard SMS application with which you can send SMS and MMS. Although we live in the heyday of messengers of all kinds, the ability to send and receive SMS messages has not lost its importance. In this article, we will cover the basic and hidden features of the SMS app and teach you how to SMS like a pro.

Basic actions with SMS dialogs

Open the SMS application. A window will open where all SMS are sorted into dialogs and contacts. Click on any dialog and hold for half a second until the editing mode opens. In it you can block the sender so that you no longer receive SMS from him, you can, on the contrary, pin the conversation in order to have quick access to it, and, of course, you can delete the conversation. The above steps will apply to the dialogs you select. You can also select all dialogs.

Search SMS

Finding the SMS you need is very easy. Just click on the search bar, which is located at the top of all dialogs. If it is not visible, then scroll up slightly, sometimes it may simply be hidden.

After you enter a search term, the application shows all conversations in which the searched word or letters are found, and these words are highlighted. When we select the desired result, the selected dialog immediately opens, in which again the searched letters and words are highlighted to make it easier for you to find them on the screen. Search is very helpful if you have a long important correspondence or just a lot of dialogues, but you don’t want to scroll through it manually.

SMS full screen

Sometimes on the go it’s not at all convenient to look at what they wrote to you in an SMS. For such cases, the MIUI team has specially added a small but very useful function. Double-click on SMS and it will open in full screen.

Private SMS

If you need to hide correspondence from other eyes, then pull down until a new private SMS window opens.

We write SMS to several people and groups

You can write SMS to several people or even a whole group at once. When you start writing SMS, you can select several recent contacts in the “To” field. And if you click on the contact icon at the top right, you will be taken to the menu for selecting a recipient from your address book. There you can either select the contacts themselves, sorted alphabetically or recently, or entire groups.

We send template SMS, video and music

The function of attaching various pictures, videos and audio recordings to a message is extremely popular in all modern messengers and is almost forgotten in SMS. However, the MIUI SMS application, despite all its apparent simplicity and minimalism, is very functional and allows you to send a whole list of media files and other useful types of data. To get started, go to the conversation and start writing SMS. In the center you will have an input field, to the right of it is a button to send a message, but on the left is a button with a plus sign - that’s what we need. Click on it and instead of the keyboard, a window will appear in which there are icons for the types of attachments that can be attached to the message. So, by clicking on the icon with the inscription vCard , you can add contact data from your address book, by clicking on the button with the inscription Images , you will go to the selection of pictures, then Take a photo will switch you to the camera, Favorites will open a list of favorite images, Nick will send a nickname, and The timer will allow you to send a message at any time you specify. Please note that you can also set a group message on the timer.

The SMS application also offers the function of sending template SMS. To go to the template message sending menu when writing an SMS, simply swipe left. There you can choose from existing templates and customize your own. If you need to send an audio or video message, write a very long message, or even break the message into slides, then scroll to the right and you will get to the appropriate window.

Operations on SMS - copying, forwarding, favorites

Open the dialog and press and hold the desired message until the editing mode opens. In it, as always, you can select one, several or all messages. There will be four buttons at the bottom. By clicking on the Forward , the selected message is automatically copied and pasted into a new message, where all that remains is to select the recipient. Copy button simply copies the text of the message, no fantasy, however, like the Delete , it just deletes the selected messages. More interesting functionality is hidden behind the last button More . Click this button and a menu will open where you can add a message to favorites detailed information about it , save an attachment if there is one, and save the message to your SIM card .

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