How to remove T9 from the keyboard on a computer?

How to disable T9?

Most Meizu phones allow you to quickly turn T9 on and off. To do this, you need to go to any of the applications where you need to enter text. For example, you can go into text messages. Press your finger on the input field for a few seconds, and the “Input Method” window will immediately pop up. One of the proposed options will be T9. By tapping on it you can both enable and disable the system.

The universal grammatical error correction feature is useful for all users. The famous “T9” appeared in older models of push-button phones, but has not lost its relevance even now. Modern smartphones also have this “assistant”, and the information provided will tell you how to turn on T9 in Android.

The first mobile device with the auto-correct function for typed words was released back in 1999. Since then, the program has undergone a long evolution and has become a full-fledged assistant for quickly typing messages. By the way, the name comes from the abbreviation “Text on 9 keys,” which means “typing text on 9 keys.” The modern program is much more adapted to new capabilities and is called Smart type (“speed dial”), but even manufacturers can position this function as the same T9. Unlike its predecessor, Smart type can replace entire words, which is both convenient, but can also create some awkward and comical situations.

Key autocorrect features:

  1. Spell check. The database can use several dictionaries and languages ​​at once, which reduces the chances of incorrect spelling.
  2. Quick input settings. A useful feature for those who like to exchange quick messages. In order not to make your interlocutor wait, you can type text literally with one hand.
  3. The ability to save frequently used surnames and names that are not included in the standard T9 dictionary.

The T9 dictionary can be selected in different languages, and all the necessary words are saved in the system, which will make it easier to enter text messages. If you wish, you can even enter words with spelling errors, if this is allowed in correspondence with friends or colleagues. It is also recommended to include surnames and given names in the dictionary, which can be replaced with words that are not entirely suitable. This will avoid awkward moments in further correspondence.

On Samsung

The algorithm of actions will differ slightly depending on your device model. Usually you can understand the settings menu without any instructions, but for extended use of the autocorrect function, it is advisable to also study the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Approximate route of action:

  • Go to your phone's settings.
  • Select the "Language and input" menu.
  • Here you need to find the keyboard
  • In the device settings, look for “Smart dialing” or a function with a similar name.
  • Typically, the smart input function is called “T9 Mode”.
  • Next, you need to switch the activation slider to the required position (disabled/enabled).

Quick shutdown T9

Let's say you forgot where the settings menu item for the keyboard or a specific input panel is located. What to do in this case?

Most versions of Android allow you to quickly disable and enable T9 and change the keyboard. To do this, go to any application or system service where you can enter text. For example, in notes, search, messages. Now press and hold your finger in the input field for a few seconds. The Input Method tab appears. Here you can already select any keyboard for input and configure work with T9.

Now you know how to disable t9 mode on Android, regardless of the Android version and phone model, if this function bothers you. You also know how to enable the function directly through the system settings or even if such an action is not provided. We are talking about the applications discussed above that install a simple keyboard.

If you often enter text from your smartphone, then it is easiest to do this with the T9 option enabled, because typing in this case will be somewhat faster. If you have a smartphone with a large diagonal, then you can enter text without using T9, for example, if you are used to touch typing on the same computer. You can enter letters and symbols using both hands. And remember that this technology works by default for both Russian and foreign layouts.

Actually, the T9 mode is quite convenient. As soon as you typed the first letters of the word “hello”, the caring system has already completed everything for you, all that remains is to touch the “Ent” key. But what if you communicate in Albanian, and all your messages begin with the standard “kagdil” in such cases? What if your “great and mighty” is filled with untranslatable figures of speech, for which the lyrics of Sergei Shnurov’s songs are so famous?

In general, there are many cases when the system does not keep up with the flight of your thoughts, and much more time is spent on corrections than if everything was written by hand. That's when the question arises:

This procedure is, in principle, simple and now we will tell you in detail what needs to be done to turn off automatic adjustment.

Through system settings

The screenshots show how the procedure is performed using examples of Explay Fresh and TouchWiz models from Samsung. It is clear that there is no point in showing this action on all existing types of shells, but looking at the examples shown, it is quite obvious that the principle of operation will be the same for all devices. So.

On the desktop, open the “Settings” application and go to the “Language and input” section:

In the window that opens, select the keyboard to use by clicking on the settings icon, then activate the “Keyboard Options” item 9 (for Samsung TouchWiz):

Using Explay Fresh as an example, click on the “Auto-correction” item. Next, we only have to deactivate the “AutoCorrect” item in the first case, and in the second case, in the “AutoCorrect” menu, if we want to completely disable the function, but the optimal solution in this case would be to:

Via keyboard

Another option that can be used to adjust autocorrection is to use the functionality of the keyboard itself. To do this you need to do the following:

We open any system service or application that uses text input, for example, SMS, notepad, notes, etc. Next, press and hold the spacebar key for 1-2 seconds (on some device models you need to press the input field). In the “Select input method” (or simply “Input method”) tab that appears, select the active keyboard and press the input settings key. In the section that opens, select the “Auto-fix” item and proceed as described in the previous method:

The instructions talked about pre-installed tools. If you use a third-party keyboard, then you need to look for T9 settings in a specific utility.

How to enable T9 on Android

If you use a laconic style of communication when writing messages and the auto-correction mode is comfortable for you, then you can turn on T9 by following the same path as when turning it off, that is, through the settings, go to the “Language and input” section, select the keyboard, which we are currently using, click on the settings icon and then select (mark) the desired positions.

How to use enable (disable) T9 in third-party applications, watch the video:

And that's all for today. Good luck everyone, write letters!

Articles and Lifehacks

If we often send messages, we have probably come across such a function. Many users wonder what T9 is in a phone

, because this name doesn’t mean anything to them. Let's try to define this concept, find out whether it exists in, and also consider the main features and tasks of this function.

What is the T9 function in the phone?

Almost every mobile device that supports receiving and sending SMS messages has this function. Its purpose is that when typing the next letter, SMS T9 tells us the most likely variants of words, from which we select the most suitable one. In other words, this function is a special predictive system for typing text on a mobile device.

The name “T9” comes from the English phrase “Text on 9 keys”, or “Text on 9 buttons”. We type any text using these nine telephone keys. The function was developed by Tegic Communications, and today it is successfully used on devices of the largest mobile equipment manufacturers. Using the built-in dictionary, it tries to guess what word we want to print. Among the first tips we see are those that are used most often.

The T9 function can significantly speed up typing. Unlike another system, iTAP, it does not guess long words, but substitutes only those that contain the number of letters we have already entered. The mobile device itself selects and offers variants of words and phrases.

So, we figured out what T9 is in a phone. Today, different manufacturers may call this feature differently. At the same time, new features are added to the standard ones, but the essence does not change, since the dialing system was developed specifically on the basis of T9. Let us add that the record for the fastest speed dialing of SMS messages was set by a British woman using this function.

How to disable T9 on an Android phone?

Many users complain that it is inconvenient for them to enter messages using the prompts. This is especially true for those who already write correctly and often type words that are not in the built-in T9 dictionary. Let's figure out how to disable this function on Android, regardless of the availability and model of the device.

Most mobile devices running this platform have a Russian keyboard, which was developed by the manufacturer itself, and therefore it is not so easy to get rid of T9 support. Go to Google Play and enter the request Russian keyboard into the search bar. Select the appropriate option and install it on your device.

After that, go to the “Language and Keyboard” section through the phone settings and select the installed keyboard instead of the one that was used previously. If the T9 has not turned off, make a long press right on the text typing field, and in the input methods menu we select the keyboard we need again. This can be done both in the entry point for SMS messages and in notes.

Most modern phones have the function of typing using the T9 service. With its help, you can reduce the likelihood of typing errors to a minimum. If the system is installed, it will automatically select words based on the characters already entered and complete phrases. Even if you make a mistake, she will be able to put the correct letter.

But what to do if this function is not enabled by default on your Meizu u10 or Meizu u20? Do I need to install any additional software on Flaym, or can I configure everything directly on the phone without third-party programs? Today we will figure out how to enable T9 on Meizu m3s, Meizu pro 6 and other similar models from this manufacturer.

The easiest way in this case is to work through the settings of your phone. More specifically, it is necessary to use T9 on-off. However, you should understand that not all phones can activate this function in this way. So, the algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu.
  2. Select the “Language and Input” section.
  3. Your machine's keyboard is displayed. In our case, the Meizu keyboard should be displayed.
  4. Select this item, and in the tab that appears, click on “Intelligent input”.
  5. Here again a list of available options will appear, among which you must select “T9 Mode”.

By clicking on it, you can either enable or disable text input using the intelligent hint system.

Turn on T9 on tablets

Many tablets also have an automatic text correction function, because these devices can easily be turned into a communication tool. Plus, your tablet can easily be turned into a portable workspace, so the quick input feature and automatic text correction will be very useful.

How to make T9 settings on Android:

  • While typing messages, tap the gear icon. This is a symbol for the available function settings.
  • When you click on this icon on the side, a small menu should appear.
  • In it you need to select keyboard options, as well as confirm the changes made.

You can connect the T9 yourself by installing a new keyboard application. This can be useful if you have to type large amounts of text every day, or if correspondence takes a lot of time. To do this, Google Play offers many paid and free applications that you can choose according to your preferences.

How to enable T9 on Android is of interest to many users, because this function helps correct spelling and make correspondence more literate. In addition, the T9 handles fast typing well, offering ready-made solutions for common words. The rules for connecting the autocorrect function on smartphones from different manufacturers are discussed in the information provided.

How to enable T9 on Android

Despite the functionality and usefulness of this feature, in some cases it is better to abandon it. This primarily concerns users who often use special terms and names that are unknown to the standard dictionary. This can lead to situations where autocorrect plays a cruel joke, turning correspondence into a collection of blunders. If you don’t have the time or desire to “teach” your phone the necessary terminology, the best option would be to simply disable this option and rely only on your own literacy and knowledge of spelling rules.

How to install Smart Keyboard on your smartphone

Oddly enough, on many users’ devices the ability to input using T9 may not be available at all. If you are one of these users, we suggest you install the Smart Keyboard application on your phone. This is an excellent alternative to standard input panels and T9 technology. Here the dictionary is much more extensive, T9 technology recognizes words more correctly as you type, and works several times faster. When typing texts in various applications on Android, you will no longer have any problems.

Is T9 still not working correctly? There is an exit! You can additionally download a dictionary for T9 from the Google Play service. These are huge databases that don’t weigh much, but they allow you to correctly enter all words and phrases when typing. In the search, enter the request “Download dictionary” or “T9 Dictionary” and the system will give you a huge list of dictionaries from different developers.

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