Hisuite for Huawei, Honor: what is this program, why doesn’t it see the phone

From the very first days of the emergence and development of mobile technology, the problem of integrating such devices with personal computers arose. Smartphone manufacturers usually develop their own specialized software. Similar activities are typical for Huawei. For mobile devices produced by this brand (as well as Honor), a special utility was created, known today as Huawei HiSuite.

In this article we will examine the following questions:

  1. Hisuite: what is this program? What are its main capabilities?
  2. How to install and run this software?
  3. What should I do if, after switching on, the program does not see the phone at all?

What kind of software is this? Its purpose

As already written above, Hisuite is a proprietary utility from Huawei that is installed on the hard drive of a personal computer. Using it, the PC system can “see” mobile phones connected to the equipment using a standard USB cable. This allows the owner of the equipment to perform various operations related to the mobile phone.

An important point: this program allows you to work not only with branded mobile devices of this company, but also with equipment from other manufacturers. Therefore, given the almost ubiquitous distribution of smartphones today, installing this utility on your PC will not be superfluous for almost any person.

What features does the program provide? They are as follows:

  • The user has a tool for transferring photographs and videos taken using a mobile phone;
  • Downloading, deleting audio files;
  • Working with smartphone contacts;
  • Reading SMS messages, as well as sending them fully to the specified contacts;
  • Create a backup copy of user information.

The last point is extremely useful when the owner of a mobile device plans to reset the settings, install some serious update, or make other significant adjustments. In this way, a person can be sure that his personal data that is important to him will be preserved.

What to do if the phone does not see the contacts on the SIM card?

My suggestion would be the following:

1. First check using the same SIM card on another phone.

2. If the result is the same, then most likely it is a sim problem. You need to contact the sim seller.

3. If everything is fine with the other phone, then you need to check the SIM card settings and phone settings and use them on the desired phone.

If there is no result with the above suggestion, I would suggest you to take a backup of your contacts. Suggested is to create a new gmail account and make a backup.

1. After making new settings. 2. First of all, open the Contacts app. 3. Click on the 3 dots. 4. Next “Import and export”. 5. Try all import and export options.

In Contacts settings, click "Try import/export". After clicking, select the option to import from SIM card. It will ask which Sim it should be imported from, select the one you want and it will be added to your contacts.

What is needed to install the program?

As you know, any software that is installed on a personal computer requires certain technical characteristics of the equipment. The HS program is not particularly demanding on the PC configuration. However, it is necessary to have information on this matter.

For installation you will need:

  • Windows operating system not lower than XP version. That is, it is difficult to encounter complications with this point now, since more ancient versions of the OS from this manufacturer are probably preserved only in museums.
  • This software requires 500 megabytes of free storage space on your personal computer.
  • The program requires no more than one gigabyte of RAM. Nowadays, there are at least two strips everywhere, so this condition should not cause any difficulties for most users.
  • The utility works in a resolution of 1024x768, which is available even for very ancient monitors.

That is, the main problem that may arise is freeing up free space on the hard drive. Although half a gigabyte can almost always be found for this purpose.

Signs of a problem

You want to take a very simple action: connect your smartphone and computer with a wire and transfer files. But there are a lot of nuances in which the Honor phone does not connect to the computer via USB as you expected. There are several possible options for what will happen when connecting:

  1. Nothing happens. The computer does not respond to the connection in any way - neither with sound nor with notification. The phone is not charging. It's like there's no connection.
  2. Honor begins to charge, the computer makes a connection sound. But nothing else happens.
  3. Another option is identical to the second, but after a while the computer begins to see the smartphone, since it installed drivers in the background.

A separate connection method is wireless, when you try to connect Honor to a PC using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Here it is also possible that everything will work right away. But if not, then I will talk about all these problems and methods for solving them below.

Can a program appear “on its own” on a computer?

Some users are surprised to note the fact that HS appears on their PC, although they are sure that they did not specifically look for it, did not download or install it.

Is this possible? And should we suspect the activity of some kind of virus? This should not be considered a consequence of PC infection. And yes, it is possible. The fact is that the installation package of this utility, with all the necessary components, is initially located on branded Huawei and Honor mobile phones. And the following situation is quite possible:

  • A person purchased a brand new Honor or Huawei phone;
  • And after some time I decided to connect it to the computer to do something (download photos, clear memory, create a copy, and so on);
  • He takes a mobile phone and connects it to a PC using a standard USB cable;
  • The system detects new equipment and offers to install the necessary software so that it can be used;
  • The owner of the smartphone agrees with the proposal and simply forgets about this step.

As a result, the Hisuite program appears on the hard drive of the personal computer.

The phone does not see the contact list, 4 ways to fix it

In your contacts settings, check if there is an option called Contacts to display

" If it's there, select All Contacts.

1. First check the filters you have enabled on your phone. Click "all".

2. Then try to import contacts from sim card, google from storage if you saved it as .cvv file.

If this doesn't work, then do the following.

3. Go to your phone settings. Clear data and cache. Disable and enable it. Do the same for contacts.

Your contacts have been saved in your google account along with your phone. The reason you couldn't find them was because you had the "Save New Contact" option on "Phone" and you didn't have an o in the "Reference Book" drop-down menu in the top left corner of the People app. (Two clicks directly from the dial screen).

All you had to do was check the box next to "Google" (it should have an email address below) and you'd be good to go. Too bad you had to delete everything.

How to install hisuite on your phone

Installation on a PC, mobile phone, as well as launching this utility is carried out according to the following instructions:

  • Go to the official website of the developers and download the program to the hard drive of your personal computer. Run the installer file;
  • Pick up a mobile phone. Find an icon that looks like a gear. Click on it;
  • Select the “System” section from the list. It contains “About phone”;
  • Pay attention to the line where the so-called build number of the smartphone is indicated;
  • Press it with your finger until a special message appears on the screen, notifying the owner of the mobile phone that he has “become a developer”;
  • Return to the “System” section. View a list of available options. Now there is another menu in it. It is called “For Developers”. Go to it;
  • Find and click on “USB Debugging”;
  • Travel back again to the main settings menu;
  • Select "Security and Privacy". Click on the “More” offer below;
  • All that remains is to click on “Allow Hisuite access to HDB” in this subsection.

All is ready. Now you can connect your mobile phone to your PC using a USB cable and use the provided functionality.

Huawei HiSuite common problems and solutions

Below are common errors and solutions for Huawei HiSuite software:

The PC does not see the Huawei Honor smartphone

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of HiSuite installed on your computer. If not, try installing the latest version using a previous version of HiSuite.
  2. Also be sure to enable USB debugging mode. To do this, you need to go to Settings > About. Tap the build number seven times to make Settings > Developer Options available. Then enable the USB debugging option.
  3. Disconnecting and reconnecting Huawei/Honor can also solve the “Phone not detected” issue.
  4. Rebooting your phone solves most HiSuite errors and problems .
  5. Restart HiSuite. If this doesn't help, try uninstalling it and reinstalling the latest version.
  6. Changing USB ports: This may not seem important, but it is very important because updating the USB driver can affect the performance of the device that was connected at the time of the update.
  7. Make sure HDB (Allow HiSuite to connect using HDB) is enabled. Try revoking the HDB permission on your PC, turn it on and try connecting again.
  8. If problems still persist, back up your device using other means such as SD card or cloud; Perform a factory reset and try connecting the device to your PC/laptop after that. You can also learn how to reset your Huawei phone.

Device driver failure

You can configure drivers through the “Task Manager” settings folder. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the folder with available USB;
  2. Determine whether the conductor is highlighted in red or yellow;
  3. If the result is positive, problems may arise at work;
  4. The marked lines need to be deleted;
  5. After that, update the configuration and reinstall the drivers;
  6. Use the “Search” button to find the desired installation manually.

Huawei HiSuite: Update your device before connecting

This error will appear when your Huawei device is connected to PC. It asks you to update your device to the latest EMUI software, although there are no new updates. There is no need to worry about this error as it will be fixed in the next HiSuite updates.

Error: The version of EMUI you are using is outdated

This means that the current version of your EMUI software is not compatible with the HiSuite software. Be sure to go to Settings > System Updates and check for the latest software updates.

Error code 19

Downloading foreign files to your device may result in a virus. It affects the operation of equipment and is able to change settings. When changing registry information, you need to use a separate editor and find the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Class/{EEC5AD98-8080-425F-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}. In the window that opens, click on the UpperFilters line and delete. When finished, turn off the device and play it again after a few minutes.

I hope this guide helped solve the “Huawei HiSuite does not detect my phone” problem. For any other questions or concerns, comment below!

Why can't I see my Huawei or Honor phone?

Unfortunately, sometimes when you try to use this undoubtedly useful utility, nothing happens. For example, several people described the following situations:

  1. The mobile phone has been updated to EMUI 9.1. Everything is working fine. But after some time I needed to create a backup copy of my data. Naturally, I decided to use the functionality provided by HS. I connect my smartphone to my PC. I launch the program. But the operation I need turns out to be unavailable. The program writes that it is required to initially update the application. But I watch its version on PC and mobile - it is the latest. How to solve a problem?
  2. After purchasing a mobile phone from Huawei, after some time I decided to transfer the photos to the hard drive of my computer. I installed the program according to the instructions. Next I start setting up the phone. And I simply don’t have the “allow HiSuite access to HDB” option.

That is, some people have problems associated with this software product. Let's look at the reasons for the failure, and also consider ways to correct the situation.

Hisuite is not installed: reasons and what to do

There are three main obstacles that prohibit or complicate the installation of the utility:

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  • lack of memory on external and internal storage;
  • system error;
  • incorrect loading.

If there is not enough space on the smartphone to download drivers, then this significantly affects the installation. Then the file either does not download at all, or is downloaded but not installed or opened. Too little RAM also affects this. When unzipping is in progress, the device needs more power and operational reserves than when downloading an archive.

An unknown error also prevents installation. Then you need to restart your PC or laptop. A restart updates all affected components.

“Access to the network is closed. Connection failure" on Honor and Huawei: reasons, how to fix?

The main reasons leading to the inability to use the software

You should start with the possible causes of the failure. Since their understanding often makes it possible to quickly understand how to correct the situation.

The main reasons that make it impossible to fully use the HS program are the following:

  • No physical connection. That is, there is a possibility that a person is using a damaged cable, a non-working USB port on a personal computer. Or there is some damage to the socket on the mobile device;
  • The operating system cannot, for some reason, install the required drivers;
  • Lack of the necessary amount of memory that the program requires for its functioning.

Well, now let's look at the most common situations that lead to failure and the impossibility of using the software for its intended purpose.

Please connect USB cable to your computer and open hissuite

If this particular message appears on the screen, then it is enough to translate it into Russian to understand the essence of the error.

The translation of this phrase is as follows: “Please connect the USB cable to your computer and open hisuite.”

That is, when you try to connect a mobile phone to a personal computer using a USB cable, it becomes physically impossible to connect, synchronize and transfer data.

Things to do:

  • Make sure that the cable is securely connected to the PC and smartphone;
  • Recheck the USB cable. There is a high probability of damage. And in this case, only its full replacement will help;
  • Make sure the mobile phone socket is working.

If the reason lies in a malfunction of the mobile socket, then you will have to take the smartphone to a service center for repair, since charging it may also be impossible.

Unable to backup

Quite a large number of people are faced with this unpleasant situation. And, as practice shows, the reason is almost always the lack of a password. The solution is the following:

  • Initiate the next backup process. To speed up the procedure, simply select one file;
  • As soon as the process begins, be sure to provide a password;
  • Once the procedure is complete, go to the folder with the newly created backup. In it you need to look through the existing files and find the one called info.xml;
  • The file must be moved to the main folder where all data synchronization elements are located.

If everything is ready, then you can begin the recovery procedure.

HiSuite backup failed, stopped by phone manager

HiSuite does not see Huawei and Honor phones, and displays a backup error due to violation of authorization rules or lack of Internet. If you entered the password incorrectly:

  • select storage medium;
  • activate backup;
  • In the dialog box that appears, enter the correct password.

To prevent this from happening in the future, copy the file called info.xml to the folder with the synchronized data. Duplicate the restoration later.

Unable to install software

In this case, first of all, you need to make sure that the program has enough free space on your hard drive for a full installation.

Also, if the installation procedure began, but then, for some reason, was interrupted, it is recommended to find the files already transferred to the personal computer and delete them completely. And try to repeat the procedure. It is possible that there was a short-term glitch.

Sometimes a simple reboot of the operating system helps. And cleaning it from all kinds of garbage. The well-known CCleaner utility is perfect for this.

No connection to the server

People usually encounter this problem when trying to restore a previously made backup. One of the reasons for the failure is an incorrectly entered password. You should try again and double-check the entered data.

The second reason is server overload. In this case, you will have to be patient and try again to restore the backup after some time.

No permission for HiSuite to access HDB

One of the owners of Huawei smartphones encountered this situation when trying to perform the initial setup of the program.

What do they recommend? First of all, check the relevance of the software product version. You can simply go to the official website of the developers and download the latest version.

If the version is correct, but the required functionality is missing, you can try to detect it as follows:

  • Go to your mobile phone settings by simply clicking on the gear icon;
  • Pay attention to the special line that is located at the top of the screen;
  • Type the word “Hi” into it from the virtual keyboard;
  • A list of so-called advanced settings should appear on the screen, in which a combination of these letters appears;
  • In this list you will find the functionality necessary to run the program.

Option 1: Nothing happens when connected

If the Honor smartphone does not connect to the computer via USB, does not see it and does not charge, and the computer does not respond to the connection, then the signal was not transmitted between them at all. It can only be a malfunction:

  • cable failure: replace the USB cable with a known good one;
  • USB port on a PC: check other connectors to find a working one, check the play in each socket;
  • If you know for sure that the wire and connector are working properly, then the problem is that the port on Honor is broken. Additional sign: the device does not charge from the mains. Service must be requested.

Charge only mode

In this mode, there is no data exchange between the computer and the phone. However, the phone is still visible on the computer:

The phone itself shows the CHM-01 icon, but there are no folders or files when opening it.

In addition, the HiSuite CD shows the installation files for HiSuite - Android Smart Device Manager - Huawei's smartphone software. Clicking on the icon starts the HiSuite installation. I repeat, the HiSuite program is not required to view phone files; everything works without it.

Wireless connection between Honor and PC

There is no need to look for a cable and repair the device, because you can connect to your computer wirelessly. There are many convenient methods:

  • AirDroid app;
  • Bluetooth connection;
  • use of cloud storage Google Drive, Yandex Disk, Dropbox and others;
  • a special option for Honor smartphones is Huawei Share, which is available starting from the EMUI 8.1 shell.

However, it also happens that Honor does not see the computer. The problem may be:

  1. The correct setting has not been made - it is different for each of the specified methods.
  2. The phone or computer is not connected to the Internet or Wi-Fi. For example, Honor may have an “Airplane” mode.
  3. The wireless module is not activated, and in the case of Bluetooth, it may not be on the PC.

Now you have the answer to what to do if Honor 10 and other models do not connect to the computer. As you can see, the problem can be solved or circumvented. You can transfer your files either way, wired or wireless. I hope this instruction will help you solve problems related to connecting devices.

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