VoLTE - what is it on the phone, how to enable and disable it

VoLTE - a new type of communication

Most 4G wireless networks today use the LTE network. Outdated 2G and 3G networks were mainly intended for transmitting voice calls. Cellular data support was later added. The modern network allows you to transfer data at high speeds of up to 45 Mbit/s. But often the speed is much lower, since its parameters are influenced by many factors, for example, the distance between the phone and the base station.

VoLTE technology transmits voice messages over the LTE network. It first appeared on SingTel. Soon after, Samsung released the first smartphones with VoLTE service. The improved form of communication was quickly appreciated by mobile phone manufacturers and telecom operators. The enabled option significantly reduces the network load. The conversation between the interlocutors occurs without interference, with good sound quality.

4G communications with VoLTE technology have been used by subscribers all over the world, including in Russia, since 2021. Users appreciate high-speed Internet on their phones using the services of well-known operators.

What are VoLTE Internet calls

The 4G data transmission standard differs from previous ones in that it has an expanded channel and exclusively digitized content inside.

One LTE signal could fit up to 55 GSM spectrograms. The difference between the considered generations of communication is that 2G uses a separate channel for each subscriber, and 4G transmits data from an indefinite number of clients simultaneously. Thanks to this, the speed, quality and compactness of the LTE standard increases.

Voice over LTE involves transmitting data using HD technology in digital form. VoLTE was launched in 2014 in Singapore. Initially, the voice technology was compatible with the only flagship business model of the South Korean Samsung Galaxy Note line. Today, voice transportation through fourth generation networks is practiced all over the world, including in the Russian Federation.

For Voice over LTE to work, the function must be supported:

  • mobile operators within the tariff plan used;
  • mobile devices;
  • SIM cards – too old models will not be able to work with 4G networks at all.

For some cellular companies, it is important that you are in your home region at the time of connection.

When exchanging voice information over a 4G network, they use the IP Multimedia Subsystem data transmission specification, which was developed by the 3-d Generation Partnership Project. The IMS architecture takes control of network connectivity and routing for broadband access.

In parallel, Voice over LTE is developing the ViLTE standard for transporting video content in fourth-generation networks. As with voice, Vi uses the IMS specification and the Session Initiation Protocol to exchange multimedia data. In February last year, the international association CAS estimated that ViLTE already supports 257 phone models.

In conjunction with VoLTE technology, Discontinuous Reception (DRX) is often used, a power-saving mode whose goal is to reduce energy consumption when communicating over 4 worship networks. DRX determines the frequency and necessity of regular interruptions in data exchange. In order not to miss anything important, the system checks the incoming stream for information useful to the user. If the incoming stream is empty, reception stops until the next check. Thanks to the specified algorithm, DRX extends battery life and preserves the quality of the conversation.

Voice over LTE is an analogue of video and audio calls through mobile applications such as Skype, WhatsApp or Viber. The difference is that voice transmission over 4G consumes call minutes, not Internet traffic.

Brief information about the development and implementation of technology

4G/LTE technology, which provides greater capacity, has been developed since 2000 and implemented since 2010. The first commercial LTE network was put into general use by the Swedish company TeliaSonera in 2009. This event debuted in Stockholm and Oslo. For now, the communication protocols used for LTE are limited to IPv4. In addition, there is a transition to a more secure IPv6, which allows you to increase communication speed.

Research is currently underway into the relatively simple operation of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) technology. To ensure the fastest possible data transfer, special antennas are used - N, as well as M. Antennas N transmit data, and M antennas receive it. This technology is called MIMO.

The meaning of the design is as follows: with the correct location of the antennas, a weak correlation between neighboring ones is achieved.

Few people knew what VoLTE was in a phone, but now it is a world-famous and widely used advanced communication technology. VoLTE translates to “voice over long-term evolution.” In other words, voice over LTE. Excellent sound quality during negotiations is achieved thanks to HD Voice codecs. With such calls, the sound range increases by almost 4000 Hz! In addition, the station serving subscribers can withstand a load three times greater than the previous ones. It turns out that the capacity of the mobile network increases by the same amount.

VoLTE Geography

The "Big Four" Russian mobile operators - MegaFon, MTS, Beeline and Tele2 - have already begun to support VoLTE, but not in all regions of Russia and not for all smartphones, even with technological support. Basically, VoLTE now works only in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, in the 4G coverage area. A complete list of devices and regions that work with VoLTE for a specific carrier can be found on its official website or customer support.

Smartphone requirements

Among the models of mobile devices that support Voice over LTE are products from Apple, Huawei, Samsung, Sony, ZTE, Philips, LG... There are not only devices from international independent manufacturers, but also offers from communication stores such as MTS, MegaFon, Tele2 and Beeline.

If the phone does not have 4G, then VoLTE will not work in any case. Also, the technology must be integrated into the SIM card.

The cheapest device in MegaFon PJSC stores as of January 20, 2019, that works with VoLTE is the Alcatel 1 5033D Bluish Black Smartphone - it costs 3,490 rubles. The most expensive is Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 512GB Gold for 131,990 rubles.

In the MTS PJSC Store, the most expensive technology-enabled device was also Apple products. The cheapest mobile phone was developed by the operator - Smartphone MTS Smart Race2 LTE Dual sim lock black for 2990 rubles.

Why it's useful

VoLTE is highly appreciated by leading smartphone manufacturers, especially mobile operators, including Russian ones. Using this technology can significantly reduce the load on the network. But what does this setup offer the average subscriber?

  • When calling via VoLTE, gigabytes of the Internet package are not consumed, only minutes. Despite the fact that the call takes place over 4G, operators consider this a regular telephone conversation and not an Internet call. This is especially useful when traveling abroad: high-quality voice communication that does not consume gigabytes.
  • It takes about two seconds for a regular phone to switch from mobile internet to GSM - this is the time you have to wait to make a call before connecting. VoLTE eliminates this delay.
  • VoLTE subscribers report better audibility than when calling over GSM/3G, even if the other person's device does not support this technology. Delays and interruptions during calls have been eliminated, as is the case with voice calls via WhatsApp and other mobile applications.
  • Save battery power. VoLTE calls consume slightly less power than GSM due to the DRX mode. DRX means your phone will receive a signal at intervals when you make a voice call. Interruptions do not affect the quality of communication, but save battery power, since the antenna is turned off at this time.
  • For a normal phone call, you cannot use 4G Internet as the device switches to GSM or 3G network when making a call. Sometimes the mobile Internet turns off completely. VoLTE allows you to simultaneously talk on the phone and surf the Internet at high speed.

What is LTE?

In order to continue talking about VoLTE, we need to define what LTE is, since it is the basic concept of the technology. LTE is a new generation standard for wireless data transmission. Intended for mobile and other devices, because it is based on the previous generation of GSM/EDGE networks. But these two networks, oddly enough, are not compatible. Because they work in different ranges. LTE also uses a different air interface. The core of the previous network was completely redesigned and improved.

Such networks are now used all over the world. Despite the fact that it is often called 4G, it does not meet all the requirements for the fourth generation mobile network. The main goal of the network was to increase throughput. It was fully achieved. Today, every user can verify this using the mobile Internet. It’s easy to remember for comparison what it was like in 3G and draw your own conclusions.

Theoretically, LTE networks can transfer data at speeds of up to 45 MB per second. But most often this speed is much lower. This is due to many factors. The main one is the distance to the base station sending the signal. The speed figure is not so impressive. And the capabilities of wired Internet are still far away. Nevertheless, for the mobile Internet this is indeed considerable progress in a relatively short period of time.

Advantages and disadvantages of VO LTE2

VO LTE2 calling technology has both advantages and disadvantages. And after analyzing them, you will understand whether you need it or whether it is better to turn it off.

Let's look at the advantages first:

  • To make a VO LTE2 call, you do not need to make special calls - the call is made in the traditional way. The main thing is that the smartphone supports this function, that it is turned on and that you are within reach of this technology.
  • On VO LTE2 the call is made a few seconds faster. This is because the smartphone does not need to switch from 4G data mode (which is the default for most modern smartphones) to 3G mode. Surely everyone has encountered the fact that after dialing a number you need to wait a few seconds before the beeps sound. In the case of VOLTE, the situation is different.
  • If you downloaded or transferred some large files via 4G, and then they called you, the phone will switch to 3G mode, accordingly, 4G mode is turned off and file transfer stops. In most cases, you will have to start over again after the call, which can recoup the paid traffic spent. But during a VO LTE call, the 4G transmission will not be interrupted, and the Internet will work even during a call.
  • Despite the high quality, the cost of a call using this technology will not be higher than that of a regular call on the 3G network. In this case, a VO LTE2 call is made to Internet resources via 4G, but in most cases there is no charge for traffic. Regular call minutes will be deleted.
  • The main advantage of this technology is the ability to talk to several people at the same time.
  • VOLTE is supported by all Russian operators, but not yet in all regions. But the second is already a disadvantage.
  • The main advantage is better sound quality. There will be no unnecessary interference or noise in the conversation; you will hear your interlocutor as clearly as if he were nearby.

Among the disadvantages of the technology, the following can be canceled:

  • When making a call via VO LTE, the load on the smartphone increases and therefore the battery drains faster. But it will only be delicate when there is a lot of conversation. Just a few minutes of conversation a day and you won't feel the difference.
  • If you call from a device that supports VO LTE2 to a device without this support, the sound quality will be the same as for 3G.
  • To use this technology, it must be supported by the smartphone, which is not yet the case for budget models.
  • If 4G in your area is unstable, it is better not to enable this option. Because if the 4G Internet signal disappears during a call, the call will be interrupted and you will have to call again.
  • As mentioned above, this is not everywhere yet. But every year the coverage area is increasing, and soon VO LTE2 will be available in many regions.

Which providers support the technology and in which regions?

In addition to the fact that VoLTE does not work on all smartphones, it is also not supported by all operators and not in every region. But most providers have been using the Internet telephony function for several years:

  • Megaphone>;
  • MTS>;
  • Beeline>;
  • Tele2>;
  • Motive.

MegaFon and MTS provide access to Voice over LTE in all regions where 4G equipment is installed. Beeline operates using the VoLTE protocol in two capitals and the Kaluga region, and Tele2 provides a high-quality signal only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Motive launched modern technology in the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions, as well as in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Which smartphones support Vo LTE

There are more rumors about new formats of communication and voice communication than there is truth. Therefore, we will try to find out not only about Vo LTE, what is in the phone, but also about which devices support this technology. Today, smartphones supporting 4G and all related formats are not uncommon; we list some of them:

  1. Samsung, Galaxy series including S3 and S4.
  2. IPhone, starting with the “six”.
  3. LG G Pro, Optimus.
  4. ZTE.
  5. Xiaomi.
  6. Huawei, Sony Meizu.

This list is constantly expanding. Manufacturers understand that in 2-3 years 4G networks will become unrivaled throughout the world, so rebranding is necessary today. Vo LTE has a single standard, so buy one of the phones that support the service, there will be no difference in quality.

When buying a smartphone in a retail network or online stores, check the capabilities of the device in advance: ask the seller or read the instructions.

What you need to use the technology

To make voice calls over VoLTE, both your smartphone and your mobile operator must support this technology. As for the manufacturer Xiaomi, almost all phone models are supported. In addition, the SIM card itself must be suitable for the 4G network. If your SIM card is out of date, you can exchange it for a new one free of charge at any store of your operator. It is advisable, but not necessary, to have the latest software installed on your smartphone.

List of Russian operators providing VoLTE service in different sets of services or in separate tariff plans. Also regions of the country in which this type of communication can be used.

If VoLTE is blocked

The operation of VoLTE depends on many factors, so calls often fail. After the release of the next version of MIUI, it was decided to temporarily block the option in certain regions in order to debug its operation in a quiet mode.

So, the option may not work in the following cases:

  • does not support the device itself;
  • blocked on a specific version of MIUI or in a given region;
  • Operators do not support the technology in their networks.

In the first case, of course, there is nothing you can do (except maybe buy a new phone). In the second situation, flashing the smartphone or using a service code (as we said earlier, *#*#86583#*#*) can help. Finally, if your operator does not support LTE, you will have to wait for the networks to launch, or switch to another cellular operator.

To understand the situation, look on the Internet to see how things are going with your Xiaomi model. Also pay attention to the MIUI version, operator and region.

What to do if your smartphone does not support the technology

Modules that support VoLTE are not currently available on all phones. Without their presence, you will not be able to use the new technology.

It often happens that this function (relative to our region) is limited (blocked), and this has already been said. This is not a problem for those who have the necessary module inside the device, connected and working. There are several ways to enable this feature. If your smartphone does not support it (it looks like this: there is no button to turn on VoLTE in the mobile network settings section), try using the following combinations:

  • ## 4636 ## for other devices.
  • *#*#86583#*#* for Xiaomi;

On a note! When calling, you must dial only international phone numbers.

And now some information for advanced users. So, we offer a list of microcircuits used in the technology:

  • MediaTek Helio P35 (for Xiaomi);
  • Qualcomm 205 and later;
  • Broadcom BCM21892;
  • MediaTek MT6739.

Note! VoLTE Megafon is enabled by default, VoLTE MTS is activated by the command * 111 * 6 #. This feature has recently appeared for Tele2 subscribers. To activate it, dial * 219 * 1#.

How to enable or disable VoLTE on your phone

Depending on the device you are using, as well as the system in which it operates, the technology turns on and off differently. The procedure is presented in the table below.

Table 1. How to enable and disable VoLTE on different versions of Android and iOS.

p/pAndroid 9 PieAndroid 10, 11iOS
1First, make sure your device and starter pack support this type of communication. If you are using an Apple phone, its version must be at least iPhone 6.
2In the menu presented, find and click: Settings – Network and Internet – Mobile network – Advanced – Network type – 4G (preferred) / 3G / GSM.In the menu, find and click: Settings – Network and Internet – Mobile network – Network type – 4G (preferred) / 3G / GSM.In the menu, find and click: Settings – Mobile – Data settings.
3Change the value to "Enabled" in the "Enable" item. If you do not have this product, contact your operator. Activate the feature and tap Voice & Data.

Does a VoLTE call cost more than a regular call? How to start using this service

In the vast majority of cases, a VoLTE call will cost no more than a regular call.

In addition, no Internet traffic will be consumed. Russian operators (as far as I know) - calls using VoLTE are charged not as “Megabytes”, but as the use of the provided package of minutes.

To start using VoLTE, you need:

  1. have a device that supports 4G (and directly VoLTE);
  2. have the latest software version from the device manufacturer;
  3. in the device settings (in the “Mobile network” section) there must be permission for VoLTE to work). How to enable this technology is described below;

    VoLTE disabled

  4. you need to be in an area where the 4G network operates (there are still plenty of places without 4G in Russia);
  5. As for the activation of VoLTE calls, it is somehow special. There is no need to “call”; by default, the smartphone itself will try to use this technology (in the note for the call you can see a message related to “HD Voice”).

Setting up VoLTE correctly: step-by-step guide

For correct and detailed setup, complete the following tasks in order:

  1. Make sure your smartphone supports VoLTE, remember that this is indicated by the presence of a suitable chip;
  2. Make sure your telecom operator provides communication services using VoLTE protocols;
  3. Check if your device has a VoLTE enable point in the network and Internet settings;
  4. If there is no enable point, we dial special USSD combinations to unlock in our region (the enable function will appear in the menu);
  5. If the unlocking was successful, press the power button and restart the phone for the settings to take effect.
  6. If the function is enabled (the VoLTE section appears in the menu), the smartphone has a chip, but VoLTE did not work automatically, so check that the number is entered correctly. You can call the network using new technology by dialing a telephone number in international format.

How can I turn off or deactivate

Disabling the option on smartphones with the Android operating system is the same, regardless of the brand of the device. To disable the service you will need:

  1. Open the Settings menu.
  2. Select the "Connections" section.
  3. Click Mobile Networks.
  4. Find the "VoLTE Calls" entry.
  5. Disable the option by dragging the slider to the left.

Apple iPhone smartphone users need to do the following:

  1. Open the "Settings" section.
  2. Find "Mobile" in the list.
  3. Tap Data Options.
  4. Select the “Enable LTE” subsection.
  5. Click Voice & Data.
  6. Disable the service.

Problems enabling VoLTE

Even if the smartphone supports VoLTE, the function may not work for some reason. If the call does not go through 4G (you cannot use the Internet during calls), you need to try the following:

1. Check with your operator to see if your SIM card supports 4G. For this, each operator has a special USSD command. Sometimes it may be necessary to change the SIM card at a communication store.

2. Check if there is a 4G network available: this icon should appear on the top bar.

3. For some carriers, VoLTE will not work if the caller ID and dial tone protection options are enabled.

4. In a device with two SIM cards, VoLTE will only work with the main one. To improve the quality of communication, some models have the function of transferring mobile Internet through a second SIM card during calls via VoLTE. But you need to be prepared that the traffic from the second SIM card will be used up.

How to connect VoLTE MTS?

You can enable VoLTE MTS by activating the “Internet calls” option. It includes not only VoLTE, but also calls via Wi-Fi and through the proprietary MTS Connect application. There is no subscription fee for this service.

You can activate the option in the following ways:

  1. In your personal account on the official website.
  2. In the operator's application My MTS.
  3. Using the command *111*6#.
  4. Call the customer support center.

The option does not require additional configuration. If the service is available to you, then it should work immediately after activation.

More information about VoLTE

There is another way to find out if your smartphone has VoLTE. Even if your phone has Voice over technology, it may be disabled. This can probably be determined from the device documentation. Review the brochures included with the kit. You will definitely find the information you need in them. You should also know that if your device doesn't support it, no third party app will help. You'll have to change your favorite phone.

It's not just devices that can't support VoLTE. Your SIM card may not be designed to use it. For example, in Megafon you can check your SIM card using the USSD command - * 507 #. If it doesn't fit, replace it with a new one free of charge. This can be done at the nearest appropriate communication store. Contact your dealer for assistance in using the next generation network.

Article title VoLTE - what's in the phone and how to disable it Description With the development of digital technologies, it is not surprising that even an experienced user gets confused in the names and terms. About the rest. The topic of this article will be VoLTE - what's in the phone and how to disable it. If such technology is needed, how to determine whether it is in a smartphone - all these and other problems will be solved. You will learn all the details, and you will also be able to decide for yourself whether you need to disable it. Author Igor Publisher name Igor Publisher Logo


Cellular operators are seeking to upgrade their equipment to VoLTE technology. The most famous mobile operators in Russia are gradually rolling out support for VoLTE, but for now the technology remains available only in large cities. At the same time, the issue of compatibility remains open: for some communication providers, VoLTE can only be used if the tariff plans and a certain set of services match.

Why didn't we make calls over 4G before?

The main problem with voice over LTE was that 4G LTE is a data-only connection, so it did not natively support voice calls. And for calls, 3G and 2G connections were developed, and only then the Internet was added. Therefore, developers had to create new protocols to support voice communications over LTE, and this is a large amount of work that requires the restructuring of the entire voice communications infrastructure.


  • https://ocomp.info/volte-chto-eto-takoe.html
  • https://it-doc.info/vo-lte2/
  • https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/VoLTE
  • https://bezlimit.ru/blog/chto-takoe-volte-na-telefone/
  • https://rAndroid.ru/hardware/na-telefone-poyavilsya-znachok-vo-lte-chto-eto
  • https://migadget.ru/faq/volte-na-xiaomi.html
  • https://club.dns-shop.ru/blog/t-78-smartfonyi/20045-volte-tehnologiya-dlya-gurmanov-golosovoi-svyazi/
  • https://shop.mts.ru/news/chto-takoe-volte-i-na-kakikh-smartfonakh-rabotaet/
  • [https://droidov.com/volte-chto-eto-takoe-v-telefone-dlya-chego-nuzhno-i-kak-rabotaet]
  • [https://itdesc.ru/volte-chto-eto-takoe-v-telefone-i-kak-otklyuchit/]
  • [https://it-tehnik.ru/gadgets/znachok-volte.html]

What is VoLTE in a smartphone

The abbreviation VoLTE (VOL LTE) stands for Voice over LTE, which can be translated into Russian as “voice over LTE”.
This is a technology developed to transmit voice over the LTE mobile network. The fact is that LTE networks are designed exclusively for data transmission. Voice transmission in LTE, as it was in 2G and 3G networks, is simply not provided for. Therefore, when you need to make a call, the phone is forced to switch from LTE to 3G, which creates some delay when calling the subscriber. Also, with such a switch, the process of transmitting and receiving data via LTE stopped.

VoLTE technology was developed to solve these problems. This technology allows you to transmit voice over the LTE network, turning it into a data stream.

In addition to the ability to transmit voice over LTE, VoLTE technology provides smartphone users with a number of additional advantages:

  • Better sound transmission. When calling via VoLTE, the interlocutor's voice sounds clear and natural, without distortion, which is typical for 2G and 3G networks.
  • Simultaneous data and voice transmission. During a VoLTE call, you can continue to send and receive data. This can be useful if you use your phone as a GPS navigator or broadcast online.
  • Fast connection. VoLTE support allows you to avoid switching from LTE to 3G and back, which significantly speeds up the time to reach the subscriber.

As for tariffs, calls using Voice over LTE are usually paid in the same way as regular calls over a 3G network. In this case, the transmitted data is not taken into account in the user’s Internet traffic. But it’s better to check with your mobile operator.

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