Xiaomi phone flashes red light when charging, what does this mean?

Xiaomi phones have an advantage that makes them pleasant in everyday use - the LED indicator located on the front side. Depending on the application being used or the situation, it flashes in different colors.

If a Telegram application notification arrives, the color is blue, if Viber is purple.

But what does flashing red mean when the battery is charging or the device is turned off?

A red indicator may indicate a deeply discharged battery.

If Xiaomi has been turned off for a long time, the battery may have been deeply discharged and the remaining energy is not enough to turn on the smartphone, this is indicated by the red color of the indicator.

When I try to turn on the smartphone, nothing happens, just the red light blinks.

In this case, connect the smartphone to the included charger for up to 6 hours.

Then try to turn on the phone again, if the problem is a deep discharge of the battery, it will turn on.

Also, the red color lights up during normal battery charging, when the charge is below 10% of the maximum, even if the phone is turned on and working properly.

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Mechanical damage

As a result of a fall, penetration of water or dust, as well as the influence of other negative aspects, the motherboard often breaks or a short circuit occurs. You can fix the problem by going to a workshop, since an ordinary user in a domestic environment will not be able to influence the situation himself. If the phone falls into liquid, then it is extremely important to immediately wipe it and, if possible, open the case, then turn it off, wrap it in a cloth or put it in rice, waiting until the water leaves all connectors, and the shorter the period of contact with an aggressive environment, the better .

The charger has failed

The charger, like any other gadget, can break down and fail. It begins to produce a current of the wrong voltage and power for which the battery is designed. The chip that controls the process of transferring energy from the network to the battery sees this and uses red to signal that if you continue to use the faulty charger, you can irreparably damage the phone or battery.

This indicator does not always indicate a charging failure, but it is easier to check this particular version.

To check, connect Xiaomi to another charger; if the problem was charging, the indicator will not flash red.

All you have to do is buy a new Xiaomi branded charger and continue using your smartphone as usual.

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Probable Causes

The first question that every user of a problematic device tries to understand is why the phone stopped turning on and does not respond to pressing the power button. Main options:

  • the battery is dead;
  • the system froze;
  • the power button itself is broken;
  • something is wrong with the firmware;
  • a module or a separate component (for example, a battery) does not work correctly;
  • Water got inside the phone;
  • The device fell from a height and received scratches, dents, and other mechanical defects.

That is, there are situations when you can easily cope on your own, in others you will have to buy a new phone or go to a service center for comprehensive diagnostics and repairs. Remember after which the smartphone stopped working correctly - perhaps it was recently updated, or fell on the ground or tile.

An almost new device purchased from an untrusted place is highly likely to fail due to low quality or because it is a fake. Firmware, programs, cables may be faulty, that is, there are many possible reasons.

Red color – possible battery failure

This operation is performed at your own peril and risk; the author of the article does not bear any responsibility for the consequences. Recommendation : contact a service center.

Have you changed the charger and the red indicator is still on? Then let's check the battery itself.

This is difficult to do, especially if the design of the Xiaomi model does not imply easy disassembly at home. In this case, there is only one thing left to do - take the phone to a service center for diagnostics.

If your Xiaomi understands, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the back cover
  2. Find the battery cable connected to the board
  3. Carefully disconnect it
  4. Connect a known good charger to your phone and turn it on
  5. If the smartphone is working, connect the battery cable in place
  6. In this case, there is a chance that the battery controller malfunctioned and when reconnected it returned to normal
  7. If this operation does not help, take the phone to a service center

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other methods

If your Xiaomi phone does not turn on, try following this algorithm. The scheme is simple, effective and usually works. It helps to return the phone to working condition in half of the cases:

  1. Place your smartphone to charge. Probably, the black screen is a consequence of complete discharge, and the situation will be corrected without unnecessary complex actions. Charge for at least an hour, start by pressing and holding the power button for a few seconds.
  2. If all else fails, check the charger - it may be the problem and needs to be replaced. An easy way to check is to connect another device and see if it works or not. When only the red indicator button is flashing, simultaneously hold down the volume controls, wait for vibration to appear and hold down Power.
  3. Another course of action is to remove the back cover and take out the battery. If the battery is removable, everything is simple, if not, press and hold the power button for up to 30 seconds. It doesn’t always help, but often – when problems arose as a result of a software failure.
  4. The next step is to launch Recovery mode by holding down Power and volume up. When the picture appears on the screen, remove your finger from the main power key while continuing to hold Volume Up. Next, specify the language, tap shutdown, and reboot by pressing Reboot. The smartphone should turn on if it is working properly and there are no problems with the firmware. Sometimes such a glitch is not related to the hardware - the phones turn off even when the battery is normally charged, refusing to work when turned on with Power.
  5. When all the steps have been completed, but the startup has not happened, reset the data in the Recovery menu. The information will be deleted, but the smartphone will most likely not work. Make backups first. To reset, select Wipe & Reset, then Wipe all data and tap Yes.
  6. If the device turns on, the screen lights up, but no further loading occurs, or the phone turns off immediately, flashing the firmware will help. Try reinstalling the software yourself using Mi Flash Pro. After a successful update, the smartphone should work without failures or lags. But situations on the contrary are not uncommon - old functions disappear or fail, the device slows down greatly. With beta tests, such troubles are not uncommon; rolling back the firmware almost always helps solve the problem.

Sometimes Xiaomi gets stuck on the corporate logo when turned on or rebooted. In most cases, the state is interrupted by simultaneously pressing the volume up/down buttons and the power button. Once the buttons begin to vibrate, you must immediately release them.

The contacts of the USB socket are broken

Rough and careless handling of the phone when connecting a USB cable damages the internal structure of the USB socket, which leads to short circuits, loss of necessary contact or physical destruction.

You can check the serviceability of a USB socket at home by connecting a known working and working charger to it.

If the red light goes out, the problem is not in the socket. If not, then there is a possibility that it has failed, especially if during a visual inspection you have suspicions about its integrity.

You can repair contacts or change a socket in a repair service and only if you have the necessary tools. Don't do this at home.

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Physical impact on Xiaomi and white indicator

If a Xiaomi smartphone has been dropped, water has gotten inside, or it has experienced a physical impact of a different nature, after which it turns off and only blinks with a white indicator when you try to turn it on, it means that there has been mechanical damage to the board inside it.

It is impossible to fix the breakdown on your own; you will have to take Xiaomi to a service center for diagnostics and subsequent repairs.

If there has been exposure to water, drying the device for a while may help; to do this, place it in a dry environment for a couple of days so that the water completely evaporates from the inside. At home, use a bag of rice cereal as a dry medium.

But even if drying helps and Xiaomi turns on despite the white indicator, the smartphone still needs to be taken to a service center for preventative maintenance. Water has oxidized the contacts inside the phone; they need to be cleaned, degreased, and the device checked for potential problems in the future. This is only possible at a repair center.

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Failure of the phone charging process controller

On a common board, where many chips and controllers are soldered, there is always one that controls the battery charging process.

Due to a manufacturing defect, water getting into the smartphone or mechanical impact, this chip may break.

It is impossible to verify that it is because of this that the red light is on at home, because to do this you need to disassemble the phone and test the chip using special equipment. Only after testing can we clearly state the cause of the failure.

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Xiaomi phone won't turn on after update

I'll tell you three ways to solve the problem:

  • Rebooting is the easiest way. Sometimes it happens that updates are not installed correctly and you just need to reboot your smartphone.
  • Reboot through the service menu. Video instructions on how to enter the menu
  • The third option is flashing. A complex process that ordinary users may not be able to do. There is a possibility that the phone will turn into a brick. Sequence of actions: 1) Connect the phone to the PC 2) Download the firmware on the website 3) Transfer the firmware to your smartphone 4) Run the installer.

Short circuit on the common phone board

A short circuit is the most insidious reason for the red indicator on Xiaomi.

At home, it is generally impossible to determine the cause of the short circuit; moreover, it is impossible to determine exactly where it occurred and what to do now.

The only advice in this case is to contact a repair shop.

After a short circuit, as a rule, serious repairs are needed with the replacement of the failed element, and for this you need a new element, knowledge of how to remove the old one and install a new one, and how to start the phone after the procedure.

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Software glitch

A deviation that occurs infrequently, since current versions of the Android system function efficiently. But it is possible that the smartphone can activate the white indication, while simultaneously stopping accepting user commands, turning off the display and ceasing to show incoming calls from SMS.

The main reasons for such cases are:

  • Activities of malicious software and third-party programs;
  • Deep freezes of software or several important applications at the same time;
  • Installing updates to an operating system that contains critical errors.

In each case, it is suggested to restart the mobile device by holding down the power key for 10 seconds. It happens that even such manipulations are not accompanied by a reaction from the phone, and therefore you may need to go to the service section, which opens by simultaneously holding the power button and raising the volume for 15 seconds. As a rule, after completing the described steps, a download category will be demonstrated, from where you need to select the option to restart the phone, which in English is interpreted as “Reboot”. If none of the methods presented has the desired effect, it is recommended to contact the service directly.

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